Chapter 16 - Revenge of Strika

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Strika's P.O.V.

I was sitting in my cell, throwing a rock at a wall and catching it as it bounced back and I caught it in my hand. I repeated the process time and time again. It's only a matter of time before I get out of here. I glanced at the two guards, noticing the one closest to me had the key to the cell. I watched them Neither of them appeared to be very interested. They lulled around, talking occasionally.

I smirked crossed my face as a plan came to mind.

"Boys, do me a favour and get me more energon please?" I asked sweetly. The two guards looked at me with disgust, exchanging glances with each other. "You just ate half an hour ago." said one of them. "I said please didn't I?" I replied.

They turned and debated between themselves, grumbling and gesturing in my direction. Eventually, one sighed and walked off, no doubt so he could get the energon.

He opened up a cabinet and brought out a energon cube. He walked over towards me and extended the cube to me. As I placed one hand on the cube, I extended my claws and jabbed them in the mechs stomach.


Energon dripped out of his body as I moved closer and whispered to him. "Thank you." I released him and he collapsed to the floor.

The other guard shouted and transformed his hand into a gun, aiming it in my direction. He opened my cell door and proceeded inside. Rookie mistake.

I lunged at him, pushing his weapon aside and dug my claws deep into his stomach. His gasped, his eyes wide and then slumped to the floor. I smirked and stepped over his body, walking out of the cell. I checked the pulse of the first guard to be safe. Dead, perfect. I walked over to the comlink computer and sent out a request to Ransack while scrambling the signal so it would get picked up by the Autobots.

It took a while, but eventually the comm. link activated. "Strika. What is your status?" Ransack asked from the other end of the comm. link. "I've escaped my cell." I reported. "And killed a few Autobots in the process." "Excellent. I need you to return to Velocitron immediately. I need extra security for the time is almost near." said Ransack.

"Copy that. How do I get back?"

"There's a space bridge in Iacon," he responded. "I'll send you the co-ordinates."

A set of coordinates appeared on the video screen, displaying the actual location of the bridge. "On my way." I said. "Strika, let nothing stand in your way." stated Ransack.

I smiled sadistically. "Trust me, I won't." I ran from the building and headed for the set of co-ordinates provided.


Smokescreen's P.O.V.

"Aura? Did you just?"

I looked at her in shock. Here we were, together in the dream world for Christmas and Aura tells me she just found her King. "Yes I, believe I did just say that." she replied. I chuckled a little as I released her and paced around a small distance, deep in thought. "Did I startle you Smoke'?" asked Aura.

"Startled? That doesn't even compare with what I'm feeling right now." I replied. "This is incredible!" "You think so? You really do?" asked Aura. "I don't want to feel like I'm rushing you into something that you don't want to do." "Aura.." I said calmly as I placed my hands on her shoulders. "I'd be delighted to be your king."

She smiled at me as she cheered and wrapped her arms my neck, hugging me. I hugged her back while spinning her around again.

"You need to go Smokescreen." said Aura. "If we are ever going to get a chance for you to become King and not Ransack, you need to get your mission done in less than two days." stated Aura. "Me and the others will find you. I promise." I assured. The two of us shared one final kiss before the forest scene began to fade away. Once I released Aura from the kiss, she faded away as well.

The next thing I knew, I woke up in my room. I hooped out if my berth and raced out the door. "Today is the day." I thought.


As I raced through the streets of the city, I suddenly heard a loud scream followed by a bang. I came to a halt in the town square as I transformed into my robot mode and spotted a young femme with energon leaking out of her stomach and a mech holding her in her arms.

"It was her!"


I looked at the Cybertronian everyone was pointing at to see Strika. She held a energon pistol in her and and smoke was seeping out of the front hole of the gun. Once she spotted me, she took off running. "Hold it right there!" I yelled.

I ran after her through the streets of the city. I managed to catch up to her and I slapped my servo in her shoulder, grabbing her and throwing her into wall. I pinned her there, forcing her to toss the pistol to the side, but she knew kicked me right in the gut, then kicked me away from her. She picked up her pistol and took off running again. "Smokescreen to Ultra Magnus! Strika escaped from the camp and she's on a rampage!" I said through the com-link.

"Back up is on the way. Until then, its up to you." replied Ultra Magnus. "Copy that." I said as I ended the com-link. I got back up on my feet and took off after Strika. I spotted her entering one of the old alley ways and I ran after her. She looked back and spotted me, so she extended her finger nails and sliced the support beams that held up the old roof. Just as it came tumbling down, I front flipped through it, just missing the wreckage barely.

I was right on her heels as the two of us climbed up a ladder, exiting the alley way and we raced through the rooftops. The two of us jumped from roof to roof of different buildings and structures. She turned around and fired some shots from her pistol, the energon shots striking the metal surfaces of the roof, just missing my pedes and body. But it caused me to slid down the roof and jump off the edge, and crash into a table on a balcony at the other side of the building.

"Nice try handsome." mocked Strika as she took off along the roof. But I wasn't going to give up that easy. I quickly got up to my pedes as I jumped from balcony to balcony, trying to keep up with Strika. Once I reached the end of the street, I jumped to the other side of the street. I grabbed on to the edge of the roof and pulled myself up. I took in the scenery ahead of me and I spotted the space bridge network near the palace. "That's where she's going." I thought. "She's going to Velocitron."

I pushed myself up on to the roof and took off running. I followed her into an old tower and she jumped to the other side of the tower where the stairs were. I followed her, and we raced up the stairs and once at the top, I tackled her and the two of us crashed through a sky light and free fell down another tower that was under construction.

The two of us crashed into the construction, almost tearing it completely apart. Strika dropped her gun and it slammed on to the floor. I pedes were caught on a chain as it lowered me down quickly and just stopped just as my helm was a few inches away from the floor. I was d solving around in a circle as I looked up to see Strika slowly getting up. I desperately reached for Strika's pistol, stretching my servo as far as it can go.

I heard noises in the background indicating that Strika was trying to escape. The tip of my finger touched the gun as my audio receptors caught the sound of Strika activating another weapon. I clutched the gun in my hand and bolted around to face Strika and squeezed the trigger. In her hands, Strika held a construction bolt gun. If I hadn't acted quick enough, she would have killed me. Smoke floated out of the hole in her chest as she dropped the gun and fell forward. Her lifeless body soared down the tunnel and crashed into the shatter glass on the floor below.

Just as she did, Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee, Wildstrike, Mirage II, and Wheeljack came charging in. "By order of the Elite Guard your under--" started Ultra Magnus but stopped when he and the boys saw the carnage. "Smokescreen, what happened?" asked Bumblebee. "It's a long story." I answered. "A little help here?" "Cut him lose." ordered Mirage. Wheeljack walked over to Smokescreen, baring out one his katana blades and slicing the chain.

Smokescreen crashed to the floor with a thud as Wildstrike ran over and helped Smokescreen up with Wheeljack's assistance. "You killed her?" asked Wildstrike. "I had no choice. She was heading for the Space Bridge Network to get back to Velocitron." I answered. "She escaped from her cell, and Ransack must have wanted her to come back home." said Wheeljack. "To continue his plan." added Mirage.

"Well, with one of Ransacks operatives deceased, that should give us an advantage that we most defiantly need." said Ultra Magnus.


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