Chapter 6 - Hunter Becomes The Hunted

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Knockout's P.O.V.

"I'm on it." replied Blitzstorm. He let in and I waited for the others to arrive. Aura, Ultra Magnus, and Bumblebee came followed by Smoke. "What's wrong KO?" Aura asked. I looked at them all square in the eye before I began. "It's Ransack. He's plotting to become king due to the marriage act and rule both Cybertron and Velocitron his way. He's in league with Shockwave, who is hiding in Soundwave's old workshop in Kaon."

The others seemed a bit shocked about the news. But Aura wasn't quite as shocked as the others. "Smokescreen did you put him up to this?" asked Aura. "What? No! Of course not! Aura I'm telling you that security footage is fake!" said Smokescreen. "What footage?" asked Knockout. "I am in an agreement with Knockout. Smokescreen what happened?" asked Ultra Magnus.

"It's best if I show you." answered Aura. She brought up the video on the holo-TV and everyone watched closely. "What?! That is unreal. I've never known Ransack to be so weak." I said.

Aura studied the images and frowned. "I - I guess Knockout has a point," she said quietly.

"Indeed," Ultra Magnus said. "I had encountered Ransack before, and hews not that weak."

Trouble and a little bit of worry flashed in Aura's optics. "But how did he change the screen so it looked as though Smokescreen was at fault?" she asked.

"Ransack is a bit of a tech wizard. He's a natural at this stuff."

"Really? Great." Aura sighed and shook her helm. "So, this certainly gives us a few more headaches."

"For sure," Bumblebee said. "We have to deal with Ransack as soon as possible"

"Agreed, if we don't catch him and Shockwave before the marriage law is in affect, this could mean the end of Cybertron." said Ultra Magnus. "Split into teams. Bumblebee, you and Wildstrike will lead a squadron to capture Shockwave. The rest of us will stay here and protect Aura by any means." "Knockout, you know Ransack better than the rest of us combined. Get on his good side and see if you can find out more of his plan." said Aura. "As you command." I replied.

Bumblebee and Wildstrike contacted Wheeljack, Arcee and Bulkhead to to join them on the mission to find and capture Shockwave. Smokescreen and Ultra Magnus elected to stay behind and watch over Aura.


Bumblebee's P.O.V.

Ultra Magnus let us use his ship to fly to Kaon. Me, Wildstrike, and Wheeljack waited for the others to arrive in the Jackhammer.

"Unbelievable what's been happening recently," Wildstrike commented. "So much is happening at once."

I nodded agreement. "It's a lot for Aura to take on," I said regretfully.

"She's holding up alright, considering what's been going on," Wheeljack commented. We all nodded. Aura was fairly strong.

The hum of engines made us look up from our conversation to find the familiar vehicle forms of Arcee and Bulkhead approach. They transformed and walked up to greet us.

Arcee smiled grimly. "'Con trouble again, huh?" she said.

Bulkhead smashed a fist into his servo. "Well, they won't know what hit them!" he declared.

"Perfect, glad the two of you could join us. Lets get moving." I said. The five of us entered the city with energon blasters armed and ready. We kept our optics peeled, not leaving anything unchecked. We knew Shockwave was hiding in Soundwave's old workshop, but that didn't mean he had moved during that time. We were on alert and ready.

It was odd, walking in Kaon. The last time I'd been near this place, it was a Decepticon stronghold. Now it was deserted and empty.

"Almost there," Arcee murmured lowly. "You have to be quiet now.'

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