Intoxicated I Love You

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And here I thought we would just be talking,
little did I know we'd be taking chances in the closet.

Tony Stark is your best friend. His parents died in a tragic car accident. He'd been drinking a lot. You don't blame him. He was having one of his parties. He was already pretty drunk before it even started.

You get a little drunk and you let a little loose.
I might as well shut my mouth and have a couple drinks too.
You push me up against the wall,
and I can feel your hips and the bittersweet movement of our lips.
You whisper to me, "I want you to be my first one and I want your first one to be me."

You're not a big party guy so you sit in the kitchen watching people get drinks before leaving again. Tony comes in and takes two shots before walking over to you. He puts his hand out. He'd grab you anyway, so you take his hand after taking a shot.

On the dancefloor, he grabs your waist and starts grinding into you, moving with the beat of the music. You let your muscles relax as you move smoothly with Tony.

We better find a room as we stumble down the stairs.
And everybody knows but we know nobody cares.
You shorten my breath and you lay down on the floor.
I remember everything but I forgot to lock the door.

"Why don't we go to my room?" Tony whispered hotly in your ear.

You shiver and nod. On the way to Tony's room, you both take a few more shots. Feeling the liquid burn your throat and warm your stomachs.

And you, my dear, are so sincere with the way you're breathing.
And your eyes are bright, my chest is tight.
We both know this isn't right, this isn't right.

Once you get to the room, it's all a blur. The alcohol takes control. All you remember is the skin on skin. Pleasure, the need for release. Ecstasy. Pure ecstasy and I love you's.

We stumble through the door and you're holding my hand
and all of our friends won't let us live it down.
And I was so proud to finally be a man,
but little did I know that this was nothing but a one night stand, oh.

The next morning, you wake up in bed alone. You walk to the kitchen half naked, seeing Tony and some of your friends. You walk up to Tony and hold his hand as you take some aspirin for your hangover.

Your friends make snide comments, but you ignore them. You were proud to finally be with Tony. He was your best friend and crush of many years. Finally, he's yours.

Now you're screaming, "I don't love you and I never did.
You're just a number in my pocket so get the hell over it."

"We need to talk," Tony says motioning towards the sitting room.

You follow him.

"Look, last night I was pissed drunk. I don't remember much, but what happened between us was a mistake."

You feel your heart break.

"No. You..... It was no mistake. Y-you said you loved me. Tony please. I can make you happy. I'll do whatever you want. Please, I love you...."

Tony sighs annoyed.

"Look, (Y/n), you're my friend, but I don't love you and I never did. I'm sorry, You're just..... A number in my pocket...... So please, just get the hell over it."

He walks out, probably to take a shower. Your knees give out as you fall onto the sofa. You bite your lip as you quietly cry.

You can't be here. You need to leave. Quickly you leave for a small pub down the street. It may only be noon, but fuck it, you need a drink.

So get the hell over it.

Tony Stark x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now