Face Timing

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You're face timing your best friend, Tony Stark. He's showing you around the new Avengers building when he creeps up on Clint.

"You know who's hot? Johnny Depp."

You roll your eyes at hearing Clint.

"Yeah, he's hot, I guess," Bruce says, not taking his eyes off the...science...thing he's working on.

Clint runs his hand through his hair in deep thought.

"Ya know, Tony's best friend, (Y/N) is pretty hot too."

Your cheeks heat up as you watch Tony glare at the dirty blond. Bruce puts his thing down and looks up at Clint.

"Yeah, he's beautiful, but you know you can't go after him."

Your face twists in confusion. You're single. Why can't he go after you? Clint chuckles .

"Even if I wanted him....I couldn't do that to Tony. We all know how much he fancies that bloke."

You stare at Tony in shock as his cheeks turn a deep red.

He says, "SORRY, I HAVE TO GO, BYE."

Then hangs up.

You sit there for a minute, just staring at your computer in shock. Then you grin. Your best friend that you've had a crush on for forever likes you back.

'Meet me at the Shawarma place in twenty?' You text him.

'Yeah, see you then', he replies to your pleasure.

Life is... Life is good.

Tony Stark x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now