Fuck Me

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You accidentally drop your phone on the ground.

"Oh, fuck me," You exclaim with an aggravated huff.

You lean over and grab your phone angrily. You stand upright to find Tony smirking at you.

"That wasn't an invitation, Tony."

Tony steps closer to you.

"I mean it. Leave me alone."

Tony gets in your face with a low hum and a sexy smile. You feel the heat rise in your cheeks. Tony places his hand under your chin and leans into your ear.

"I think we should have Chinese for dinner."

He turns and plops himself onto the sofa.

"Oh, for the love of-"

You reach over him and grab the sofa cushion. You then lift it and repeatedly slam it against Tony as he laughs.

Tony Stark x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now