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Tony X Murderer! Male Reader


You walked out of the house in the dead of night, covered in blood. Inside said house were three dead bodies that you had the pleasure of making.

The two men you had just killed liked to kidnap girls and do.... Unholy, sinful things to them against their will. And the girl, one of the guy's girlfriends, knew about it and did nothing; sometimes she'd even join in and help.

Now, don't get the wrong idea, not all your kills are so.... Justified. Sometimes you just grab some innocent bloke who was unlucky enough to draw your attention.

You had your fun, but now the blood is starting to dry which makes it all crusty and gross, it's time to go get cleaned up. But for now you let yourself relax and enjoy the feel of your skin covered in beautiful red blood while walking down the dark streets.

You enjoyed the way the two guys thought they could take you, but you're too smart for them, you have been doing this for a long time. The way the girl begged for her pathetic life. The noise of your favorite blade tearing into their flesh. The way the blood spattered against the wall and soaked your clothes. It was truly intoxicating.

You were almost home when you heard a strange sound coming from behind you. You turn around rolling your eyes. Fucking Iron Man.

"Ya know, I'm almost home... I just want to shower and sleeeep"

You pout. He raises his arm; his blaster ready.

"You're walking the dark streets drenched in blood, care to explain?"

"Explain? Well these pathetic excuses of humans made me do it. It was almost too easy."

You say stepping closer, licking your lips. You're very aware that he could kill you, but he's Iron Man, the 'hero', he won't kill anyone. An idea pops in your head. Can you get the great Iron Man to kill innocents?

"Look, I'm unarmed. So if you wanna fight, why don't you lose the suit and fight fair."

You say knowing that your knife is in your pocket, covered by your hoodie.

"You obviously just killed someone, I'm not stupid. Of course you have a weapon."

"It was three people." You sigh. "And this time, they deserved it. They were kidnapers and rapists! The world is lucky to be rid of them!"

Iron Man lowered his arm but was still ready to fight, you could tell.

"It doesn't matter if they were bad people, you still don't have the right. Make this easy and just come with me."

You let out a small giggle being the immature human you are.

"Come with you? Buy be dinner first." You wink, biting your lip.

You can't see his expression with his mask down. To your luck, his mask comes up revealing his face. Your eyes widen a bit.

"Oh. My. God..... You're hot..."

You say without thinking. His smirk in response makes you blush looking down.

"I think it's time for me to go home. See ya soon."

You turn walking away but you don't get far. Someone grabs your arm, stopping you. You turn sharply, throwing a punch. The man blocks you, holding both your arms. Your fucked.

"Oh no you aren't you, you're not going anywhere."

You look him up and down and glance at the open suit not far behind him.

"Where's the fancy suit, Mr. Stark?"

You ask looking up to his eyes. You try to break out of his grip. But, good gods, he's strong.

"Don't need it."

You pout knowing you're caught. This is it. Only thing left is to try to talk your way out.

"Aww, but if you take me, we won't have these flirty meetings anymore."

He raises his eyebrow.

"Who's flirting?"

You scoff.

"You know I'm fairly attractive."

He looks you up and down, his grip loosening some. This is your chance. You break your arm free, kicking your leg behind him and pulling back to you, knocking him down on the cement pavement.

You pin him down, sitting on his stomach.

"Well, this is a change, I'm almost never the one on top." You chuckle while giving him a wink. "Now, I'm gonna get up, go home, take a nice hot shower, then sleep for at least 13 hours cause I'm exhausted. Ya know, stabbing people takes a lot out of you. Sadly, I'm gonna have to hurt you so I get my head start."

You pause smirking. "Unless you want to join me for that shower, and the sleep if we actually look at the bags under your eyes."

Tony tries to fight from your grip, you have half the mind to let him, cause that'd mean he'd be the one on top. As nice as that would be, you do need to get home.

So you punch him in the throat, not too hard, but hard enough to keep him down for a few minutes.

"Sorry, handsome, hopefully we'll run into each other again on my next kill~"

You blow him a kiss for good measure before making your escape. Yeah, Iron Man didn't kill anyone tonight, you have time to corrupt him. You smile darkly to yourself as you make it to your house, not seeing the man or robot in sight.

Tony Stark x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now