Really, Tony? Really?

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"Babe?" Tony calls.


"You wanna go to the Avenger's meeting with me?"

"Don't I have to be an Avenger to go to an Avenger meeting?"

"Nah, they'll make an exception because you're with me."

"Okay. Sure, I'll go."

30 minutes later, you're sitting in a meeting room with Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Thor, Clint, and of course Tony.

You stand up.

"I'm going to get coffee. Anybody want anything?"

Thor's face brightens.

"Ooo, Y/N! Can you bring me a Pop of Tart?"

You chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"Of course."

You go to the kitchen and prepare your coffee the way you like it. On your way out, you grab Thor's 'Pop of Tart'. You enter the meeting room to hear Tony speaking.

"Yeah, one time Y/N and I went to this club. After quite a few rounds of shots, we headed out to the dance floor. I found out really quickly that Y/N gets very horny when drunk. So we're dancing and Y/N starts grinding his bum all over my crotch! I suggested to him to stop or I was going to take him right there, on the dance floor. I was joking, of course. That's when I find out that Y/N is also a kinky lil shit when drunk. He told me to do it. So I took him home before I did something I would regret in front of all those people. When we get to Stark Tower, Y/N-"

"Okay! Enough story time!" You splutter out, cheeks on fire.

"Oh, is someone embarrassed?"

You glare at him and he smirks at you. You continue your glare as you step to your seat and sit down, handing Thor his pop tart. Tony doesn't say anything else, but goes over to the white board. He grabs the Expo marker and pops the cap off.

At first, he draws a chair with a stick figure sitting in it. He adds another stick coming off the stick figure's waist. He draws another stick figure on his knees in front of the chair, his head attached to the other's extra stick. He writes "MIND BLOWER" under his illustration.

"I call this the mind blower, for obvious reasons

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"I call this the mind blower, for obvious reasons. Y/N has admitted that he enjoys giving blowjobs and quite frankly, I enjoy receiving them. So, it works out."

"Tony, please stop," You hiss.

He steps to the right and starts drawing again.

He draws a stick figure laying horizontal with a stick protruding from his waist. He draws another figure seated on the extra stick, sitting upright. He writes "T BONED" under this drawing.

 He writes "T BONED" under this drawing

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I call this one T boned because it looks like a T and Y/N is getting boned. This position happens when Y/N wants to be in control. And when he's in control, it's really hot."

You cover your face with your hands, not bothering to waste your breath by telling him to stop. Tony does what he wants to and if he wants to do it, nothing stops him. You remove your hands to see him drawing once again.

He draws a stick figure on his elbows and knees, with its sticky bum in the air. He draws another figure standing behind him, with its extra stick in the bum. He writes "PUCKER UP" under this one.

"I call this one pucker up because at this angle, Y/N's hole puckers beautifully around my cock

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"I call this one pucker up because at this angle, Y/N's hole puckers beautifully around my cock."

You close your eyes and start banging your head against the table. You hear everyone laugh at your misery.


Tony lazily opens the door to your two's living quarters in the Stark Tower. You huff and walk past him.

"Come on, Y/N. You can't possibly still be mad."

You turn and glare at him.

"You just told the whole Avenger team about our sex life!"

"So? They're adults. I think they've had sex before Y/N. Except maybe Steve. Him and his old man ways..."

"It wouldn't have been that bad if you had stopped there, Tony. But no. You had to draw stick figure diagrams on the board and made sure to tell everyone if you were on the top or the bottom!"

"Babe," he pouts.

"No, Tony. The pout is not working this time. I need space to cool down."

You go to the sofa in the living room and sit. You pull out your phone to scroll through social media. After a few minutes of mindless surfing, you hear a sneeze. You turn around to see Tony peeking over the back of the couch.

"Was that enough time?" he asks hopefully.

You look into his gorgeous brown eyes and your heart melts. You sigh.

"Fine, Yes."


He comes around the sofa and sits next to you. He leans over and snuggles his head into your chest.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too, you jerk."

You feel him chuckle against your chest and you smile down at the love of your life.

Tony Stark x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now