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Tony x Trans! Male Reader

I don't really know if anyone else has this insecurity, but I thought it'd make a good oneshot.... Or maybe I'm just trying to comfort myself.... I don't know at this point...


You love Tony. You really do. But you can't help but have doubts in your head. Tony, the Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist, was of course known for sleeping around. With girls.

You, a trans man, haven't had any transition surgeries cause they're expensive and you refuse to take Tony's money.

Dysphoria was kicking your ass today. You felt like shit, but you went through your day. Finally when you got home after a long day, the voice of dysphoria was invading your mind.

The voice had been there all day, but now that you're in the comfort of your home (well, Tony's home) the voice gets stronger. Harder to ignore.

'He's using you. He's a straight guy who sleeps around with women, of course he's with you cause you look like a girl.'

It said as you stripped for a shower.

'Look at your body, clearly a girl. It's obvious why he's attracted to you, I mean, look at your body, so feminine.'

You avoided looking at mirrors and down at your own body. You didn't want to look at it. You quickly wash up. When you turn the water off you sigh, wrapping up in a towel.

After drying off and putting on pajamas, you cover yourself in your comfy duvet. Tony's not home and you don't know how late he's staying out so you might as well just go to sleep.

You close your eyes but can't sleep. You relax a bit and your eyelids are so heavy but for some reason you can't seem to find the will to open them.

At some point, you lose track of time just laying there in the dark, the light switches on and someone walks in the room. Your eyes snap open, looking at the door as Tony walks in.

"Hey babe, why're you in bed so early?"

"What time is it?"

Your asked confused.

"It's only nine pm."

Wow, it feels so much later than that. Weird.

"I'm just tired I guess."

You say quietly. Tony sits on the bed next to you.

"What's wrong, (y/n)?"


You answer looking down.

"Come on, I know you better than that. Talk to me."

You groan.

"A-are you only with me cause I look like a girl?"

Tony looked like the question really threw him off. Guess he wasn't expecting it.

"Of course not! (Y/n), I'm with you cause you are a beautiful man whom I fell in love with. Why would you think that I'd think of you any less than my beautiful man?"

He gently lifts your chin making you look at him. He wipes a few tears away.

"Your reputation...." You shake your head. "This is stupid."

"It's not. (Y/n), I love you. A man. My man. I have a reputation of sleeping around with women but you never hear about the men I've slept with. Cause I wasn't ready for that to come out. But I'm ready now. And I love you for you. A man. I know your mind makes shit up, but they're lies. You are a beautiful man, whom I'm head over heels with."

He leans in placing a soft kiss on your lips before wrapping his arms completely around you. You cuddle into him feeling loved and safe.

You have bad days, but Tony will always be there to help.

Tony Stark x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now