Hour 2

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Hour 2:
Sabrina's POV

Huh, what the hell? I slowly wake up and blink as my eyes adjust to the lighting, where the hell am I? What's happening? I see the others lying there on the floor like me, god I feel so weak and sore, especially my neck, I reach over to Chloe who's closest to me, I shake her

"Chloe, Chloe! Wake up!" I say as I shake her

"Huh?" She slowly starts waking up

I notice Sarah waking up and drag myself over to her, slowly regaining my strength

"W...what h....happened?" She asks still lead on the floor, her voice barely above a whisper

"Row" Chloe shakes her to life and she sits up so everyone but Sarah is sat up

"Where are we?" Rowan asks, none of us know the answer

"Sarah are you okay?" I ask her only response is not understandable

"Check her pump" chloe suggests

"Already on it" I reply

Sarah's type 1 diabetic which means she has an insulin pump, if it's run out it'll need changing or she could slip into a diabetic coma, she was diagnosed when she was really young so she's good at dealing with it and Peyton but I've almost never had to change it for her so I'm not sure I have any idea what to do, I check it and see that it's empty

"Guys it's empty" I say worriedly, she keeps her spare supplies in her bag not on her person so wherever we are if we can't find her bag we're in trouble

"Row what's that over there?" Chloe points to something in the corner of the room and sure enough it's our bags, rowan being closest to them heads over and grabs all of our bags she hands me mine and Sarah's and gives Chloe hers

"I'll try and call Corey" rowan says

"Don't bother" chloe says blankly

"Why?" I ask as I rummage through Sarah's bag for the insulin refill

"There's no service" chloe replies, that worries me

"Maybe I have some" rowan says but the look across her face when she tries to make the call says enough, she doesn't either which means me and Sarah probably won't either

I finally find what I need and with a bit of work I sort her out, we notice four bed against a wall, this is a pretty big room and a pretty creepy one too, chloe grabs a pillow and passes it to me, I pop it under Sarah's head and rowan passes me a blanket which we use to cover her, it could take a while for her blood sugar level to get back to normal so we make her as comfortable as we can, we'd pick her up and put her on one of the beds but each of us can barely manage to stand up on our own, right now I couldn't pick up Ocean with all of their help let alone Sarah, even if she is the lightest of us, although Chloe might debate that and would quite possibly be right

"Guys what's going on?" I ask them nervously

"What's the last thing you guys remember?" Rowan asks

"Umm we were going to the bathroom but I don't remember if we even got there or not" Chloe says

"We did and then I remember a shooting pain in my neck and.....and......and a big hand covering my mouth and then I passed out" I recount the events of earlier

"It's just gone half 1 in the morning" Chloe reads from her phone

"We have to figure out what's going on here" I say

"Check my neck would you?" Row says

"Why? You think Corey gave you a hickey?" Chloe tries to clear some of the tension from the room but falls short

"Just do it" Rowan replies a little grouchily, Chloe does and then nods

"There's a needle mark" Chloe says and Row checks her

"You too" Rowan acknowledges, she checks mine then kneels down and looks at Sarah's neck before standing back up "we all have them, I think we were drugged

"How did they manage to do that to all of us without any of us noticing?" I ask

"Surely there must've been a few guys" Chloe points out

"Probably" Rowan agrees

"Wait there's something on the door over there" I say and run over to it having slipped out of my heels, the girl did the same

I yanked off a pics of paper that had been taped to the door and just stare at the words

"What does it say" Rowan asks both of their eyes transfixed on me

"Bet you thought you were safe, you didn't think I could get to you did you? Well I could and I did so screw you, I'll give you three meals possibly because I believe in hospitality and there are beds for you to sleep on but if your precious little boyfriends don't win my little game by the time your clock runs out and find you then you're all gonna meet a sticky end, bet you wish you didn't pick him over me huh? Well let's find out how smart they really are, have fun you stupid slutty bitches ~ A"
I read horrified

"When the hell did we enter a particularly messed up episode of pretty little liars?" Chloe asked I'm not sure if she was trying to crack a joke or if she was being serious

"Messed up I'm pretty sure this literally happened on there" Rowan pointed out

"So what we're gonna find one of our other friends trapped here being forced to pretend to be someone else?!" I want to scream but don't

I feel like we're just being pranked by the guys or something as payback for making them watch it with us, but they wouldn't go this far, Peyton would let that happen to Sarah, Corey wouldn't even dream of doing this to Rowan and Ryan and my Peyton are total jokers but this is too far even for them

"I don't think that's very funny" rowan says slightly annoyed about the lack of seriousness Chloe is showing

"I'm serious" Chloe says and seems to mean it

"Let's hope not" I respond tying to cool the tension

"Well we can't just sit here!" Rowan really starts to loose her temper

"Let's sort Sarah out first and then start to panic okay?" Chloe suggests and Rowan nods, God what the hell is going on? And who the hell is doing this to us? Who did we pick the guys over? I seriously have no idea.....


Hope you're enjoying this, don't forget to vote and let me know who you think is doing this to them in the comments below xoxo

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