Hour 36

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Hour 36:
Ryan's POV

I'm worried about Chloe, not just because this psycho has her but there are things going on, thugs the others don't know, a lot of stuff has happened in the last few months, about 5 months ago we found out she was pregnant, we were so happy, so excited....but it didn't last, she had a miscarriage a few weeks later, it wasn't her fault, there was nothing she could've done but it just wasn't meant to be, she took it hard, really hard, it was bad, a dark time for our relationship, no one ever knew about it, they never knew what had happened, only me, Chloe and the hospital where it happened, it was just awful, there was a lot of blood and then she just cried and cried and cried, she's still not right, she not emotionally stable, she's not crazy or anything but she just falls into these mood swings, the doctors diagnosed her with depression, most days were good days but the bad ones were really bad, she wouldn't get out of bed but she wouldn't sleep, she refused to eat, she wouldn't talk to me, it was tough, sometimes it still is usually the meds the doctors prescribed to her keep it under control but she's supposed to have them 3 times a day, she's already missed 4 lots, almost 5 and I don't like the idea of her without them, I really don't, she goes to a dark place if you let her, she won't admit it, she won't ask for help, he girls have no idea so she's alone with herself and her thoughts, I'm not sure we have until midnight to find her, I'm not sure she can keep herself together that long, she was getting slowly better and the doctors were about to reduce the strength of the anti-depressants but I still don't trust her off them, this is what happens when I have to sit and wait, my mind gets stuck in the darkest possible place, why does it do that? I just want to find them so I can find Chloe and bring her home

Peyton C's POV

I can't help but wonder what the hell is going on in Ryan's head because by the faces he's pulling it can't be good, I don't like this one bit, is there something he's not telling us? I know he thought that some of this stuff was a hint to A's identity but he would've told us if he'd figured it out right? Then again I know he's got some less than legal intentions for A if he can get his hands on him so he might hunk we'd try and stop him if we knew, we probably would, but still he'd tell us wouldn't he? I watch Corey typing in loads of code into the laptop, he says he's almost cracked the encryption then all we've gotta do is find the location, easy right? No Peyton who share you kidding? Not easy, very not easy


I was planning on putting this further on but I think it was needed, the box A left for dove was not a pregnancy test, it was her prescription, so Ryan thinks she doesn't have them but she does xoxo

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