Hour 15

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Hour 15:
Sarah's POV

It's been quiet for ages now, according to my phone says it 14:02 so that means we're on our fifteenth hour of kidnappedhood which sucks, none of the girls seem able to sleep so I'm kinda wondering if they're even still awake, I'm on the end and I'm facing away from them, I'd turn to look but everything still hurts so much I can't take it

"Is anyone still awake?" I whisper

"Yeah" Chloe replies

"Me too" Sabrina whispers

"I couldn't sleep if it tried" Rowan acknowledged

I turned over to face them, trying not to cry as I did so, I have bruises everywhere, it's so painful

"Do you guys really think the boys will be able to get us out of here?" I ask quietly

"I really don't know" Rowan replies after a moment of silence

"I think we should have a backup plan for in case they don't" I say

"Is that a good idea?" Sabrina asks looking at my bruises

"You'd rather stay here and let him do whatever he likes to us?" I ask

"I still think we should figure out who he is first" Chloe says

"How? The last person to test him got beaten and raped, sorry Sarah" Rowan retorts to her

"It's cool" I accept her apology for the use of my situation

"So what you thinking?" Rowan asks me

"We need get out of this room, I saw there's a door outside and there was sunlight coming through it, one of the henchmen had a key on his belt, I swiped it when they threw me back in here I think it's the key to the door that's keeping us in this room" I tell them calmly which they seem to think makes me crazy, the fact I'm so calm

I'm the oldest of the girls here though so I have to be the mature one, dove is onto a few months younger but she's still as innocent and naive as a child, which is amazing for her, but I have to be brave to help them stay brave, I finally release my grip on the thing I had been holding so tightly for so long now, I opened my hand to reveal a pretty big key

"Never thought to mention that before now?" Sabrina asked

"I was just beaten and raped a key wasn't exactly at the top of my mind" I point out defensively

"Good point, sorry" she replies

"It's cool but anyway we no to figure it out" I say

"So if we can get out of here, what do we do? Where do we go?" I wish we knew where we were

"I vote we just keep running until we get connection and then we call the guys" Chloe suggests

"I'll second that" Sabrina agrees

"Yeah but I think we should wait a little while and see if the boys come find us, because if we try and escape and get caught then I wouldn't like to think about what's going to happen to us" I say

"If he even bothers to CATCH us" Rowan replies coldly

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Why catch when you can just kill" she whispers, barely able to speak

"They are the hunters we are the foxes" Sabrina whispers eerily

"And we run" Chloe finishes

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