Epilogue ~ really over?

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Six months later they are all at Corey and rowans gushing over their new baby, Rowan having given birth to a beautiful baby boy named Rivers a few weeks before, a little before she was due but everyone was fine and they were home safe and healthy, Dove & Ryan and Peyton & Sabrina had all tied the knot, Dive was now off the anti-depressants and doing well, Sarah was also newly pregnant about a month before and they were expecting a little baby girl, everything was going well and all was as close to forgotten as something like that could be, until when they were just about to sit down to watch a movie all of their phones went off with a new text from a blocked ID, the looked at the text before looking up at each other
The text read:
"So you thought you got rid of me did you? Well I've got news for you, I'm not as dead as you thought I was, I'm back bitches and I'm coming for ya, you won't be ready for me, and this time I won't loose ~ A"

The end


And with that we have reached the end, does anyone want a sequel? Just curious, if not then thank you for reading and don't forget to check out my other work, especially my new book 'Factions' xoxo

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