Hour 10

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Hour 10:
Rowan's POV

They just suddenly opened the door, threw Sarah in and locked it again, Sabrina asked Sarah what happened and said about hearing screaming and Sarah just blacked out, we got her onto the bed with great effort

"Check her pump" I tell Sabrina

"It won't have run out by now" she replies

"If he tampered with it it might" I point out so she checks it but shakes her head

"She's still fine" she says

"Guys look at her she's all bruised and her clothes are messed up, she's a mess in general it clearly wasn't tampering with her pump that was what he was doing to her" I hear chloe say, she makes a good point but a chilling one nonetheless

"We're just going to have to wait for her to come to" I told them, I had the feeling we should let her be, from the sound of those screams she isn't going to be doing a whole lot of sleeping for a long time

Dove's POV

Rowan makes a good point but I feel bad leaving her like that, he really did a number on her, you can tell that just by looking at her

"Guys we should at least put the covers over her" I say and they nod in agreement so we carefully do that

In the process we had to take that box the A said was a birthday present for Sarah, we all looked at it

"Should we open it?"Rowan asks and suddenly I hear little electronic squeaks come from the corner of the room

I look at that corner and see nothing until I look up

"Guys he's watching us" I say as causally as I can

"What?!" Sabrina sounds terrified, then again we all are, Sarah was the brave one and look where that got her, we don't even know exactly but I can tell I don't want to get there

"There's a camera up there" I say and point to it

"Oh my god so he knows everything thing that's gone on?!" Sabrina asks even more terrified than the first time

"He can see us but he can't hear us" rowan says emotionlessly

"How do you know?" I ask her confused

"Because that type of security camera doesn't pick up sound only visual" she replies

"At least there's that" Sabrina says

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