Hour 14

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Hour 14:
Ryan's POV

We have just arrived at Meyer's apartment like 15 minutes ago, I really hate how far out of the city Corey and Rowan live right now, we got in and had to figure out where he might have hidden it

"Where do you think it could be?" I ask him although I don't know what I'm expecting him to respond with, neither of us have a clue where that damned thing is, this could take a while

"I haven't got a clue, how about you look down here, I'll look upstairs and if we don't find anything we switch and try again" her replies and the suddenly we both get a text

"Kitchen counter ~ A" I read

"Well that's just weird" I reply

"He's not done with us is he?" I ask him hoping he'll deny what I have a feeling the answer is

"I don't think so" he says

We head into the kitchen and see a something on the counter, upon closer inspection we find the weirdest note

"She got lost in wonderland, now you need to find her ~ A" he reads

"What the hell?!" I ask so confused and frustrated

"Wonderland, Alice in wonderland is her favourite, she loves it" he tells me even though I already know that kind of

"So? What does that have to do with what we're trying to do?" I ask

"Maybe it's in the DVD case or something?" he suggests

I nod and he leads me into the living room, he goes over to the DVD shelf and grabs out alice in wonderland, he opens it but to no avail, it's not there

"What else could it mean?" He asks me like I might have a clue

"Mate I know about as much as Jon snow right now" I reply trying to make a little joke to diffuse the tension as George Weasley would say, damn I'm on fire with the references......RYAN SNAP OUT OF IT!

"Well that's really helpful" he says sarcastically

"Hey it's you who's house we're in and your girlfriend we're referring to" I point out getting defensive and agitated at the same time

"Come on lets just think about this" he says to stop us from arguing

"How about we think and look" I suggest

"Good idea, yell if you find anything" he tells me

"Got it" and with that he runs off upstairs and I begin my hunt downstairs trying to figure out that message, maybe we really are as dumb as he thinks we are, maybe......

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