Hour 29

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Hour 29:
Peyton C's POV

"Oh thank god you're safe, you're still alive!" I almost yell into Sarah's ear, I pick her up and spin her round, she seems a little tense butt after everything she's been through that's not surprising

"It was horrible, I was worried you wouldn't come" she replies as she starts to cry a little

"Shhh baby, it's okay" I hold her tightly and try to soothe her as she cries

"He's crazy, I don't know who he is but he's crazy" she whispers through her heavy breathing from trying to stop crying

"I swear to god, I'm going to find this guy, I'm going to hunt him down and I'm going to kill him for doing this to you" I tell her, she has finally stopped crying so I let her go a little so I could see her

"Never leave me again" she says quietly and I nod

"Never, I'm never letting you out of my sight ever again, this will not happen ever again" I promise her

"Can we go home now?" She asks me, her eyes still red from crying, she sniffs a little too

"Of course baby, come on" I take her hand and go to lead her back to the car when she suddenly starts speaking again


Ryan's POV

"Peyton.....Peyton.....Peyton...." I say as I shake Clark with the hand that is not on the wheel, at this point we've separated into separate cars, Peyton said he wasn't up to driving which appears to have been a good thing

"What?! Sarah?! What's happening?!" He shoots bolt upright and looks around confused

"You were just dreaming" I tell him

"Damnit" he almost yells angrily

"Woah calm down, look we're here" i tell him and point to the car which the others are in which is right infront

It had just stopped and there was a big cabin, it was like an old motel room than no one had been to in years, it was in the middle of the woods, we were in the middle of the woods, it's almost 4am and where in the woods 'alone' supposedly, we got out and gathered with the others at the door

"Alright is everyone ready, we have no ideas what on the other side of this door so be prepared for anything" corey tells us

"Wait a second" Meyer says and me and him pull out something which does a little more than just startle the others

"Holy shit, what the hell are you guys doing bringing guns?!" Clark bounces back in fright at the sight of the glock in my hand

"Uhh, we have carry licences don't we" I remind him

"So?!" Corey replies in something that could almost be described as a tone of agitation but not quite

"It's actually not a bad idea" Lucas defends

"Whatever, seeing as you guys have guns I vote you two go first" Corey says and we nod

We get right up to the doors and get in position, Corey's right, we have no idea what behind this door but I sure as hell hope it's what we want it to be and not some sort of bloodbath, I can't even stand the thought, Meyer pulls me out of my own head as he counts down from 5 on his fingers in silence so as to not alert anyone that we are coming in case it's the kidnapper in there as well or whatever, the receptions quite suckish here so let's hope no one needs to call an ambulance, on one we do it, I push the door open and Ryan and I step in first, what we see shocks us more than I thought possible.......


Ohh those cliffhanger moments, this next chapter will probably also be the boys but idk it might not we'll see, let me know what you thinks gonna happen xoxo

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