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The next morning we awoke to the locked door. Normally it was open so we could go down stairs and make breakfast. However this time, it was closed. I got up, out of Klaus's grasp, and looked at my dress. The skirt had a rip in the top fabric and the collar was about ripped ff. It would be easy to fix if I had a machine. I was quite the sewer. The dress was once my mothers. When she had died I found her dress at the Baudelaires. On my 16th birthday I got a sewing machine, that night I adapted this dress by raising the waistline and the length of the skirt and I also added a corset waistband. I'm not going to lie, the dress looked good. From then on, I was designer of the family.

The next day we were dragged out of bed and pushed into a car. Sunny was sat in between Violet and Klaus, where as I was forced in the front with Count Olaf. The worst two words of my life came from the judge. 'Custody granted' would be the two words signalling the most horrible events to come. With those words, I felt like my life ended.

We were in the car when the creep began talking again.

"Children, I've been contemplating our situation, and I realize that I have been a bit standoffish. Which is a big word meaning..."

"Pure Evil." Violet interjected, closely followed by my,

"Psychopathic creep."

"Tough, but fair." He continued. I glance back at Klaus seeing he was about to make a comment but I shook my head, silencing him.

"But now that we're family, I can be the ultimate dad. I know lets stop for a treat." With that he slammed on the brakes and explained what he was going to get us. Nothing for me. Before entering the gas station- however- he turned and locked the doors, sending the locks disappearing into the doors.

"Violet, where'd the locks go?" Klaus asked his sister. Violet showed him a book saying INHERITANCE LAW AND YOU.

"Violet, what's that in the top?" I said, motioning the paper sticking out the top. Taking it out we saw it had a list of numbers. One was circled. 11:15.

"I think it's a schedule." Klaus stated. I looked at the c lock in the car.

"Guys." They lifted their gaze to me and found me staring at the clock, which has just changed to the same time as that which circled. Looking to my right I saw what we were over. The others saw it to. The car was sat directly on top of the railway tracks. He was trying to kill us.

"Go!" Shouted Violet, while climbing into the front with me. All of us were franticly pulling at the door handles and pressing every button. I heard Klaus grunt in frustration as the doors refused to budge.

"He took the keys." Said Violet.

"Try everything." Replied Klaus. I heard Violet on the phone to Mr Poe so I jumped in the back with Klaus.

"Klaus what if we cant get out?" I questioned, beginning to pointless pound on the window.

"Frey, look at me," he commanded while taking my face in his hands, "You are going to get out of this, we all will. Nothing is going to happen. I promise." His words soothed me slightly, despite the fact he was also trying to convince himself of what he'd said. Violet slammed the phone down and sighed.

"Klaus, you've read books on trains. What do we do?" Violet asked whilst putting her hair up. I saw Klaus's brain scramble trying to remember. Then it was like a light had turned on.

"The track switcher. There!" We all looked out the window at it. It was quite far away.

"It's too far away." Klaus stated.

"No. There has to be something we can use to pull it." Violet said.

"Nothings in here."

"There is always something. Sunny, bite the head off that elf." Violet explained. She pulled pieces of leather off the seat and Sunny bite the head off. In a few minutes we had a long enough rope and something to launch it with. We set it up.

They pulled back, then launched the coiled spring. It missed by a few metres. They pulled it back in. I had decided to sit in the back seat, as the front seat wasn't big enough to fit me on as well.

"Violet." I said.

"I got it." Was my reply.

"I don't mean to rush you." Klaus said. Then she let go, the elf head wrapping around the handle.

"Nice shot." Klaus congratulated.

"Thank you. Pull" Violet directed. They pulled. I couldn't help but hold my breath. Just before impact, the train was redirected and whizzed past us. I smiled. A car horn beeped. It was Mr Poe. The doors were unlocked and Sunny poked her head out.

We were being loaded into the banker's car when Klaus turned to me.

"I told you we would get out of it." He smirked. His smirk was one of triumph, unlike Olafs.

"I never doubted you Klaus." I smiled back sat next to him.

"I'm sorry Count Olaf, but allowing a child of Sunny's age to drive a car is simplily not good parenting." Mr Poe said to the Count as he tried to reason with him.

"He tried to kill us." Klaus exclaimed.

"Lets not exaggerate Klaus. The vehicle was not even in gear." He said back, walking away. I rolled my eyes at the clueless banker. I was by the window and looked up when our guardian began talking to us.

"Goodbye kids, it's been fun." He spoke. But then his tone changed and the volume got lower.

"No matter where you go, no matter what you do, I will find you. You are so deceased." He hissed, edging closer as he said so. I leant back into Klaus and he put his arm protectively around me. Sweet gesture. Count Olaf turned and put fake tears in his eyes.

"Take them Mr Poe, before I lose it big time." With that we were free, for now.

We savoured our victory as we sped off to our new home. What lay ahead was unclear but I was optimistic.

"Do you think that this guardian will be better than Olaf?" I asked Klaus who still had his arm around me.

"Anyone would be better than him." He chuckled back.

"As long as they don't try to flatten us with a train, I know I will like them." I replied. He agreed and we got out of the car.

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