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The play commenced and I was still backstage. The actual plot for the story was hard or me to understand bearing in mind there was no storyline. Violet and me only came in to sign the documents, as Olaf didn't want us to mess up. So when the time came, I led the way as we walked down the 'aisle' to our doom. All eyes were on us. They were looking lovingly at Violet then in a more pevertive manner at me. I kept my head down and hurried on stage, my expression of one showing that I didn't like what was going on.

I stood in front of Justice Strauss and she made me and Olaf say our promise first.

"Freya Harrington, do you pledge your heart and soul to Count Olaf? Do you promise to never stray from his side? Do you agree that he can do with you what he pleases?" She read from the book of law in her hands. I looked at Violet who smiled sadly. I saw Sunny in the cage behind Olaf. With tears filling my eyes, I said the worst word possible.


"And do you Count Olaf promise to not mistreat Freya Harrington? To make sure she doesn't come between you and you're soon to be bride?" She asked.

"Most certainly." He replied, with the malevolent grin on his face.

"Then I present to you your mistress." She announced. Then I signed my death sentence by writing two words on a piece of paper. Freya Harrington

I stood beside Olaf as Violet said her vows then a teary 'I do'. When the ring was placed on her shaky finger I could see her face lose all hope. At that point I genuinely believed that I wasn't going to be saved. Then they signed the marriage certificate. I noticed that Sunny was still in her cage, but with a hooked figure hanging from it. Violet tried to delay the signing but as she wrote the 'e' with a sigh, Olaf snatched it from under her hands.

"And so concludes our play!" He announced.

"No! Count Olaf was going to kill Sunny if I didn't go through with the marriage and Freya didn't swear to be his mistress!" The crowd groaned as they assumed that Violet was just being dramatic. Of course, she wasn't.

"Ridiculous!" Olaf objected.

"No you have to listen to us!" I pleaded. No one was listening and Violet and I were becoming desperate.

"He was only marrying me to get to the Baudelaire fortune and he only wanted Freya to get the Harrington fortune." Violet explained.

"No that part is true actually." Olaf confirmed and the audience gasps at the treachery. The scene on stage could have been mistaken for part of the play.

"Violet and I are now a blissfully wedded couple and Freya is now my legal mistress, because you see, we were married with an official ceremony, with official legal vows, in front of a Justice of the peace." Olaf said with a harsh tone. He was gripping onto Violet.

"First order of business! Put the other two brats up for adoption. So they can be sent to separate places at different corners of the Earth, they are quite meddlesome when they are together." Olaf glared at Violet and me. He thought he had won, he had what he wanted.

"Never call them Brats! You can't separate us all!" I argued rather loudly.

"Mr Poe!" Violet begged.

"You unspeakable cad. Arrest Him!" Mr Poe instructed.

"For what?" The detective inquired.

"For being a greedy monster." Poe justified.

"I'm the monster? You're the monster. These children tried to warn you but you refused to listen because no one listens to children." Olaf sneered. His grin was truly terrifying as he stared into the crowd. Then in triumph he held up both Violets papers, and mine proving that we were legally with him.

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