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The audience were seated the cast was all ready. I was dressed in black dress that showed a lot of leg at the front and was longer in the back. It had a tight corset back and the straps tied around the back of my neck. I hated it. I wore stockings that were very thin. My heels were far too high. Olaf had given my hairpiece to the hook hand man, and a woman had done my hair in a braid with a hair chain in the back. My makeup was very dramatic. I was currently arriving to the dressing room containing Violet and Klaus. The show was about to start and Klaus was in almost the first scene.

"What is he up to?" I heard Violet ask.

"Yeah, why are we in the play?" I questioned stepping next to them.

"What are you wearing?" I heard Klaus gasp.

"I know it's really short. I hate it." I replied.

"No, it looks good, but it shows way more than a girl of your age should show. But I have a theory. He's using this as a prop." Klaus suggested, holding up a book of inheritance law.

"It says that if two people are married, or the woman has signed an official document giving herself to the man – basically a mistress- in the presence of a judge, they are entitled to any money the two of them own. Also in the mistress case, the man can basically do whatever he wants to the woman and not get into trouble for it.

It all hit me too fast. I was going to become his mistress and be stuck as a personal slave. Violet would become his wife, and we would both be forced to hand over all of our money.

"No but its just a play. He can't get a fortune by marrying me in a play. He can't get Frey's by her becoming his mistress in a play. It isn't real." Violet countered.

"Oh...Cant I?" Olaf made his appearance in the most ridiculous dressing gown and some strange headpiece. His fashion choices are not that good.

"In order to be a valid marriage and document, it has to be administered by a bona fide justice of the peace. It says so right here." Klaus gestured to the book in his hand. I was stood next to Klaus.

"Justice Strauss, are you ready for your debut?" Olaf called out. She entered. That poor woman had no idea that she was just a pawn in a bigger, evil plot to steal our money. She didn't deserve to be wrapped up in this.

"Oh, look at you. Violet, you look so beautiful and Freya you look so good," she gushed, "You're the bride, you're the mistress. Who's the groom?"

"No Justice Strauss, you don't understand, the play is real." Violet informed. A confused expression washed over the woman's face.

"Yes, the play is real. That's why I cast you, to make sure the audience believe it. Now remember, Justice Strauss, you must say all the things like you would in a proper ceremony. Get it perfect and there are talent scouts in the audience, looking for someone your age." With that she ran out of the room. Olaf then got closer to me.

"Don't you just look... what's the word? Hot?" He asked as he put his hand on my face. I slapped his hand off and Klaus pulled me behind him.

"You know you cant protect her forever, bookworm. Soon she will be mine, my property. So get used to me having her." He sneered at Klaus, I just hid my face in Klaus's back.

"This is wrong. Violet is only 17, she cant be married until 18. Freya is 16 so she defiantly can' become your mistress!" Klaus snapped.

"They can if they have the permission from their guardian, and who is that? ME! Look it up! Yes once they sign the paper work they will legally be my bride and mistress. Violet will cook and clean, Freya will be my personal toy. Hey! Marriage is no picnic, you got to work at it!" Olaf laughed.

"I'll never say I do. Freya will never sign that paper!" Violet bit back.

"I think you might... when you look up there." Olaf pointed up. We looked up and saw Sunny hanging in a cage above our heads.

"Let her go!" I shouted from behind Klaus.

"Gladly, let her go." Olaf said into his walkie-talkie. Sunny's cage was then dropped.

"No!" We all cried.

"Put a hold on that." Olaf instructed, stopping Sunny from falling to her death.

"If you don't say I do and you both don't sign the paper, then down will come baby, cradle and all." Olaf warned. I was frozen. This was not how my mother and father wanted my life to go. This isn't how I wanted my life to go. I didn't want to sell myself to a man probably 5x my age. I ignored the rest of the conversation.

I was sat down. Then I saw Olaf leave. Klaus came and knelt in front of me. He lifted my head and placed both hands on either side of my face. I looked deep into his beautiful eyes, the eyes that looked at me with such love and admiration.

"Freya, we can stop this. You are not going to go through with this." Klaus said. I looked up at little Sunny, an infant innocent in all of this. At least she wouldn't remember this if we could get her away. I would have to live with the decision that I made. I sighed and shook my head, a tear escaping my eye.

"No..." I sighed. Klaus was about to object when Violet spoke up.

"We have to." She had a hand on her brother's shoulder.

"No, come on. There's always something. Right?" He asked, his voice breaking at the end as tears filled his eyes. He rested his forehead against mine.

"No, not this time." Violet stated.

"I can't lose my older sister and my girlfriend tonight. I can't lose you both to him." Klaus said.

"Klaus, you have to." I kissed him with as much passion as I had. He returned it. The kiss was filled with sadness, both of us knowing that we may not have another moment like this one together. It was all a little bitter sweet. We hadn't been together that long as it had taken so long to admit our feelings, and now we were losing each other.

"Camel you're on!" A crewmember ordered, breaking our kiss and the moment.

"Go Klaus." I said sadly.

"BUT..." He objected.

"Just go! Please." Reluctantly he left, and another tear escaped and raced down my cheek. This was going to be one of the worst times of my life.

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