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I lifted my head to see that we were on a piece of the floor and weren't connected to the front section of the house. The gap was too far to jump. I let out a shaky breath. My eyes wandered to the last place I saw my book, only to my horror it was gone. The last thing that my grandmother gave me, her last words to me were written just beyond the front cover.

Always remember my beautiful Freya, that a young mans love lies not truly in their hearts but in their eyes. When you find the man that is right for you, treasure him, for true love isn't easy, it must be fought for. Because when you find it, it can never be replaced. Live a wonderful and amazing life my darling, know I will always be there.

That long paragraph was in the front of the book. I looked at it every time I read it. Now it was lost to the depths of Lake Lachrymose.

"I'm so sorry Freya." Klaus said as he pulled me into his side. I looked up at him.

"I'm going to make sure that I get you a new book. It wont be the same, but..." I just nodded and looked down. The boy holding me tilted my head up and planted a soft, loving kiss on my lips.

"Come on lovebirds. Klaus with me, Freya, make sure Sunny doesn't wander off the edge of this platform." Violet commanded. We pulled apart and went to our job. The next I knew an anchor was pushed off the edge and broke the only thing holding us up. I warily stood up. Violet picked up Sunny while I joined Klaus. The wind blew a breeze through us, sending a shiver down my spine. The overcast clouds cast dark shadows around us.

"Wait," the platform rocked backward, then forward, "Now!" Violet shouted. We all jumped. Klaus ran with me hand in hand to the doorway as the house gave way beneath us. We reached the doorway just in time.

"What do we do know?" I questioned the group.

"She's alive. We have to go to the authorities." Said Klaus

"No. They won't listen. They never listen." Violet had a point.

"Violet!" Klaus shouted.

"No Klaus, she's right. To them we are just dumb kids who know nothing." I spoke.

"It's Olaf, we know that. He'll never stop. We have to find her ourselves." Violet decided. We heard a police siren at the docks. All of us turned our heads in that direction.

"Hello kids, its captain Sham, your new guardian. Just stay where you're at, and we'll come where you're to." A voice boomed. One word for you, No!

"Ever read any books on sailing?" Violet asked Klaus. I giggled.

"Only 15 and 2 on meteorology." I joked, earning chuckles from the others. Klaus's checks tinted red as he looked down sheepishly. Then we set off to rescue our guardian.

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