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Klaus and me walked through the small town square, fingers interlocked. I saw a group of girls giggle as he walked past. They flipped their hair and fluttered their eyelashes in an attempt to get noticed, I just glared and dragged him away.

"Look who's jealous?" Klaus whispered into my ear.

"Say that again and you won't have a girlfriend to be jealous." I warned, but smiled at my empty threat.

"Lets find Violet, we were only supposed to get a basket." Klaus said.

We heard them before we saw them.

"Watch out for those avocados. The pips could become lodged in our throats." She told Violet.

"We have the basket Aunt Josephine." I skipped up to her and handed her our basket. She put our vegetables inside and continued to look for more of our ingredients. I loved puttanesca mother made the best one ever. I walked up to Sunny to watch her, while Violet and Klaus helped Aunt Jo.

"Hey Sunny. What you got?" I asked her. She looked precious in her outfit, holding a basket. She was as precious as a diamond to a poor man.

"Ahhga!" She exclaimed, meaning apples. I smiled at her.

"Watch out for that cart. A wheel could break free and run us over!" I heard from down the street. I chuckled to myself.

"o'oh!" I heard a voice call from bellow me. I saw that little Sunny had knocked over all the apples. I quickly picked her up, grabbed the basket from her hands and ran to the others, not wanting to meet the stall owners angry shouts.

"Everything's fine Aunt Josephine... Ahhh!" Violet called. She had knocked into someone. I saw a man that possessed many features of Count Olaf, just with white beard and a pipe.

"Lord thundering jumped-up Jehovah!" Shouted the man. (Cough, couOLAFgh, cough, cough.) I must say, his sailor is a big improvement on his Italian.

"The black plague! Is it the black plague?" Aunt Jo asked frantically, panic evident on her face. I kept a tight hold infant Sunny.

"No that there was all my fault. Tell you what, can't tell you how sorry I is for runnin' into your sister there like that."

"Your attempts at flirting are abysmal, Olaf!" I snickered, however Aunt Jo didn't seem to hear, but I know that everyone else did.

"Aunt Josephine, this..."

"Couple of right beauties you are, mum." Interjected Olaf. How can all adults be so blind? It's crazy. Every time we get interrupted or told to stop, when will they learn to listen to us?

"Aunt Josephine..." Aunt Jo herself cut off Klaus. Maybe we shouldn't have gotten her out the house.

"Allow me to introduce myself..." I had had enough. I swiftly put Sunny down.

"No! Allow Violet, Klaus and I to introduce him. This..."

"Violet, Klaus and Me." Corrected Aunt Jo, before I had a chance to continue.

"It doesn't matter..." I tried again.

"Doesn't matter?" Count Olaf interrupted me. He made a snort of derision as stood up. He towered over me. All went silent.

"Are you jiggin' me, girl?" He asked in his sinister way. I was pulled behind Klaus, who stood in front of me protectively. I could feel the glare that he was giving Olaf.

"Why, perhaps it's just the ramblings of an expert fisherman, but grammer is the number-one most important thing in the whole world to me." He finished and was very close to our Aunt.

"It is?" Aunt Jo questioned.

"Ahda?" Sunny asked. Meaning, is she desperate? I agree Sunny. I walked over to her and picked her up. I tuned out of the conversation then, I didn't want to hear how the most evil man I knew was wriggling his way back into my life.

I did turn around when I saw Klaus push him over, with a look full of hatred. I don't blame him, his sisters were mistreated, and his girlfriend abused, and all by the man that now stood in front of the boy. Only he pulled down his trouser leg, to reveal a wooden leg. I quickly turned Sunny around, as I didn't want her to see what was happening.

"So Sunny, how long do you think it will be before we defeat this villain?" I asked the toddler.

" Amag madah, Faya." Meaning, I don't know but hopefully soon Freya. Yeah she can kind of say our names. I'm fraya, Klaus is kows, Violet is Vy Vy. We are the only ones who understand her. I smiled as Sunny picked up another apple and put it in her basket she had got back off me. Her basket was just the stuff she wanted. I had found some change in my coat pocket so said I'd get Sunny some apples for her teeth.

"You haven't paid for that either!" An angry voice shouts at me. I turned my head up and saw the owner coming out. I grabbed my money from my pocket.

" I don't want your stolen goods!" He boomed. I was becoming embarrassed by the amount of people looking at me.

"Please sir, this isn't stolen. I need those apples for Sunny. I can pay extra if you would prefer." I reasoned. At this point I didn't mind paying a few pence extra. He grumbled and agreement and I ended up paying three times the amount for those apples.

By the time that drama was finished, Sunny had already eaten half of one of the expensive apples. I felt two arms wrap around my waist as the person leant his head on my shoulder. I smiled at the knowledge it was Klaus. Violet grinned at us and went to Sunny.

"Did you pay for the apples?" She asked.

"Yep. Where are Aunt Jo and Olaf?" My sixth sense told me that they weren't anywhere good.

"She took him to her house." Klaus mumbled into my neck. I sighed.

"This cant be good." I stated. Violet nodded sadly in agreement. I turned in Klaus's arms and hugged him. He hugged back tightly.

"Come one lovebirds. We need to be getting back." Violet said, after paying for the food. We walked up to the cliff, hand in hand, dreading the events to come.

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