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"Hello, I am looking for doctor Montgomery Montgomery. I am uh, Stephano, I am an Italian man. And uh, I am here to assist him in his uh research as best I can as well as to facilitate and uh remain observatory." He stuttered.

"You're Count Olaf." I said simply. At the mention of this name and how we were reacting, Sofiya slithered up my arm and rested on my shoulder in an attacking position, while I moved closer to Klaus.

"Oh... Now uh, why would you uh say something like that?" He asked. The fact accent was so bad it was hilarious.

"I have never met such a person as a Count Olaf. But uh, if I had, I'm sure he would look and sound completely different." His words were harsh and almost warning us to keep quiet. Klaus now had an arm around my waist, the other on the door.

"You're Olaf and we are not letting you in." Klaus hissed. He began to close the door, when a silver knife wedged itself in the door, stopping it. Our eyes widened and Olaf pushed the door open and his way inside.

"Well, perhaps you should re-evaluate your hypothesis." He suggested evilly. Uncle Monty then came around the corner with Sunny in his arms.

"Anyway, that's why you should never run with one of these, kids." Olaf covered as he spotted Monty.

"Words of wisdom indeed, Mr. Stephano." Monty beamed as he shook Olaf's hand.

"Oops, you caught me being a mentor." Mont can't be believing this crud.

"And bless you for coming at such sort notice."

"Not at all, not at all."

"My assistant Gustav, took sick and phoned not on hour ago." Monty explained.

"He'd give anything to be here right now. That sent shivers up my spine. Klaus noticed and pulled me closer. Sofiya was still on edge.

"Thank goodness you were available." Monty said.

" Well, I am a uh a fan, If I may gush. Your work has profoundly influenced my research. Up at the, uh ... Montery Bay Aquarium, uh on the sea snake. It's a very volatile animal. I've been bitten 43...700 times." He commented.

God, did he drone on. Sofiya hissed at him. Olaf shot a glare at me and I pushed myself against Klaus. He didn't seem to mind, which I was grateful of.

"Mostly on the face. A lot of this has been reconstructed. But I think they did one heck of a job, even though my moustache is a tad askew." I held in a snort at that comment.

"You can't be buying this." Sunny whined in her language. Unfortunately, Monty didn't get the message.

"I wonder if I could get the kids to help me in with my bags, my left side is uh, neurologically challenged." He smirked.

"Why yes of course." Monty answered for us.

"Uncle Monty..." Violet tried to protest.

"Please." Monty pleaded. Klaus and violet went. Olaf stared at me.

"Well I'd love to help 'Stephano' with his bags, but it's Sofiya's feeding time. Unless you want to make it bite 701, I better go." I apologized, my voice laced with sarcasm. No way was I helping the killer into the house. With Olaf glaring daggers at me, I turned on my heel, and left for the reptile room, with Sofiya hissing over my back.

I was feeding Sofiya a small piece of meat that Monty had prepared earlier for me. While I was feeding her, I saw Violet walk in. Knowing that Klaus would be in soon, I continued to feed Sofiya. Just when she had finished eating, two arms wrapped around my waist, lifted me up and spun me around once. I jumped at the initial contact, but soon realised it was Klaus so calmed down. When I was set on the floor, I turned to face him, laughing. He smiled at me. I reached my hand toward Sofiya and she slithered onto my hand.

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