Andy Took Over Me.. Chapter 1

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*Authors Note*

Hi there fellow GEESE or any other band families, this is my first fan fic. I hope you enjoy it, hopefully you will :-) My fan fics will all be about Lawson as they are my idols.

Yeah, I'm nervous about this... But yeah, hope you enjoy it!!! :-)

***Chapter One***

Jess's POV:-

I was just casually sitting there, in the park reading my book. I looked up and seen the bound of fluff running up to me. I was struck by a slobbery tongue straight in the face. As I wiped my face a tall, thin but strong looking figure was stood above me smiling and giggling. As he grabbed hold of the fluffy licker he said, "Sorry about that. She just gets well too excited when I bring her to the park."

As I got up I laughed out, " haha, it's alright. I've got one at home and he is a lot worse." As I stood up and shook off the fur, I finally saw the handsome man staring back at me. "Again I'm sorry."

"It's okay, honestly. Aha, my mutt is mental"

"Right, well I will let you get back to your book. Come on Sammie."

That was it he walked away. His handsome body, face and ugh his sexy scouse voice, just walked away.

Andy's POV:- "Joel, seriously mate, I seen her sitting there reading her book. And if it wasn't for Sammie I would never of had the courage to speak to her."

"Aha, well did you get her name, number?"

"Nah mate, I was just too star struck by her and all I could say was sorry for Sammie getting her covered in fur."

"That's not like you, normally you'd have the girl swinging off your arm by now."

"Yeah normally, but she was different. I can't explain it, she just was. Anyway where is Adam and Ryan with these pints?"

Jess's POV:- I was so glad to be out with the girls, hopefully it would put a mental stop to me thinking about the guy at the park. Anna and Cary have been nagging me to go out for a few drinks for ages now, so I've finally agreed and where do they take me? The local bar.

As I walked through the door I got my spotty skirt stuck but Anna and Cary were already at the bar ordering drinks. I was stood there trying to get my skirt out of the hinge, when suddenly a soft but firm hand replaced mine and loosened my skirt from the door hinge. My eyes met with his and it was the guy from the park. We both just laughed.

"You seem to be having a great day today. First you get covered in fur by a dog and now you've gotten your skirt stuck, what else is going to happen?"

I replied with a face as bright as a tomato," well what can I say, when one thing goes wrong for me, everything goes wrong for me"

"Well hopefully nothing too bad will happen to you, as they say things do happen in three's"

"Haha, yeah they definitely do! God knows what will happen to me tonight. They're planning on getting me leg less. Right I'm away to the toilet to try and get this lovely stain from the hinge off my skirt"

"Haha okay, maybe see you later?"


I walked off to the bathroom. I was in there desperately scrubbing my skirt for about five minutes. I was finally finished when Anna came in asking why I was in here. Then I explained everything to her. She just laughed and said," well we'd better get you out there and get a few shots down yah! Then maybe you'll pluck up the courage to speak to him properly"

"We'll see" I laughed out.

Andy's POV:- I couldn't believe I'd let her get away again. How was I supposed to start another conversation? I tried to forget about it and try to focus on our lads night out. Except that was difficult when she was sitting up at the bar, in her blue spotty skirt, laughing, smiling, having a great time.

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