Chapter 10

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Andy's POV : Today had been great in the studio with the lads, I missed Jess though. She hadn't text me at all today which was weird, but Evan has probably tired her out or something. It was only half eight but all the lights were off in the house and from the outside it looked like all the curtains were drawn shut. Weird? The door was locked too, which was very unusual, she always left it open for me. Luckily I had my keys. I went in, there was no sound, and I was right all the lights were off. Max didn't even come greet me. This was very strange. I checked the living room, kitchen and our bedroom but there was no sight of any of them. I quietly stepped into Evans room to see him in wrapped in Jess's arms with Max sleeping beside them. I walked over and with the glow of Evans lamp I could see that her face was stained with tears. I placed my hand on her shoulder and gently shook her. She suddenly woke up looking startled and grasped onto Evan tighter. He didn't move at all. She sat up and jumped up and hugged me whilst starting to cry.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked her.

"Come on, I don't want to wake him up"

We walked through to the living room, I switched the light on. Which revealed a very tired looking Jess. She sat down holding a piece of paper between very shaky hands. I sat down beside her and she turned to face me, crossing her legs.

"What's wrong Jess?" I asked her, I was beginning to get very worried now.

She took a huge breath," Today I got a letter from the police. It said that Chris, Evans dad, well it said that he was alive and that he has escaped. I couldn't believe it but a police officer came round and explained, that they told me that he was dead so that I could move on with my life as he would be in jail until he actually died. But they were moving him to Scotland and he attacked the officer and escaped. They don't know where he is but apparently they're trying their hardest to find him. But I've to stay inside with Evan. There's a police car outside of the house watching just incase. I went and got Evan because I couldn't stand the fact that I didn't have him with me. I didn't want to call you because I know how precious studio time is." She explained, trying to hold back the tears. I honestly didn't know what to say or do. I just wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. We broke apart but I still kept a very tight hold of her hands. She looked at me and said, "Andy, I fully understand if you want to go. Because me and Evan will be fine. I don't want you to get hurt. But if anything happens to me could I ask one thing?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, there was no way I was leaving. I loved her too much to let anything happen to her or Evan.

"Well you don't have to understand anything Jess, as I am not going anywhere, ever. Don't worry about me I will be fine, but nothing is going to happen to either of you as long as I am here. Yes you can ask me anything you know that."

"Thank you Andy. But what I need to know, is that if anything happens to me will you look after Evan? Just until he gets a proper home." Tears began to escape her eyes again.

"Nothing is going to happen to you okay? And yes, if anything happens, which it's not going to by the way, I will take care of Evan. And no he will not be going to a foster home, he will be staying with me. But that's not going to happen though is it?"

She shook her head and hugged me tightly.

"Come on let's go to bed. You look shattered." I said as I put my hand out for her to place hers in. She just nodded her head and took me hand. She collapsed into bed and cuddled in close to me, burying her head into my chest and wrapping her arms around my waist. I did the same, there was no way I was going to let him hurt her again, or Evan.

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