Chapter 26

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Andy's POV: It was the next day and we were sitting on the sofa watching tv, waiting on my parents to drop off Evan. I still can't believe she said yes. She keeps looking at the ring smiling. We've planned for everyone to come round tonight and we'll tell them then. The house will full tonight as we've got Adam, Joel, Ryan, my parents, Anna, Cari, Ashley and Jess's brother Mark coming round. Jess is really nervous for Mark coming round as they haven't seen each other in ages, and they became very distant when their parents died and when Jess found out she was pregnant, he went mental and didn't support her. But she says that he has changed since he met Lindsey, his girlfriend. As the programme came to an end we heard the door open and rushed foot steps coming into the house. Jess quickly took the ring off and put it back in the box as we wanted to be a complete surprise.

"Mum! Andy! We're back!" Evan shouted as he came rushing into the living room.

"Hey, did you have fun?" She said as she lifted him up for a hug.


"Did you behave?"

"Of course!"

"Good, go take your bag up to your room please."

And off he ran. My mum and dad walked in and sat down.

"Hey, did you's have a nice weekend?" My mum asked.

"Yeah, it was great. What about you's? Did Evan behave?" I asked.

"Yeah, he was a pleasure. We went swimming, bowling and took him to the dinosaur museum." My mum replied.

"I bet he loved that." Jess said.

"He was hilarious because he kept asking your dad to take pictures so he could draw them later. So we've got loads of pictures of dinosaurs for you guys."

"Oh god, that's all we're going to hear about now. Dinosaurs this and dinosaurs that." Jess laughed as she finished her sentence.


Everyone was here now and they kept asking us questions about why were they all here. They were all confused and began to get impatient. Yet me and Jess kept laughing at them.

"Should we tell them?" I asked her.

"I think so." She smirked.

"Well, last night I took Jess out for a meal and I asked her to marry me. And she said yes." I turned to look at Jess smiling at everyone's faces. It took a while for it all to sink in until Anna jumped up and screamed.

"You're getting married!" And jumped onto Jess, hugging her. We all started laughing at Anna's outburst of excitement. Then everyone joined in, congratulating us both. As we were both being pulled into hugs I noticed Evan sitting there looking confused. I went over to him and knelt down.

"Hey buddy, you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied looking down at the floor.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I've just got one question." He said as he started to look up at me.

"Of course, shoot." I smiled at him.

"Does that mean now you will be my proper dad?"

I was a little taken aback by this concept. I'd always thought that I'd be a father-figure to him, but I didn't think that he'd actually want to properly call me his dad.

"Yeah, I guess, but only if you want me to be." I asked him. He took a minute to reply, but when he did, he had a great big smile plastered on his face.

"Yeah!" He shouted as he jumped into a hug.

"Hey, you guys alright?" I looked up and seen Jess standing beside us looking worried.

"Of course, Evan just had a question to ask me."

"And what was that?" She asked as she knelt down beside us both.

"If Andy was going to be my proper dad." Evan said as he leaned over to Jess.

"And what did he say?"

"He said yeah! He's gonna be my dad." Jess immediately smiled and looked at me but before any of us could say anything Evan started to speak again.

"So that means that we're going to be a proper family now mum."

"It does Evan it certainly does." "Now go say hi to your uncle Mark, will you?"

"Okay." He got up and went up to Mark.


Everyone had gone now except Mark. I had just went and checked in on Evan, who was sound asleep. As I walked back to the living room, I heard Jess and Mark talking.

"Look Jess, I'm sorry for being a total idiot. I should have never acted like that towards my little sister. Coming back today just made me realise just how much I'd missed you. You've grown up so much, I mean I still remember when you were my annoying little sister and now you've got a son and found a man that's going to treat you properly. And what I'm mostly sorry about is not protecting you from Chris. But once again you've proven to me that you are the strongest of us two. Mum and dad would be so proud of you. And I like Andy, he seems decent and I can tell that he cares about you both."

"You don't have to apologise, mum and dad's death made us both do stupid stuff and act weird. But of course it would have, we've all made mistakes, but we are human after all. And Andy is one of the two best things to happen to me. I'm glad that you've moved back, I've missed you."

"I've missed you loads, Jessie."

"Oh god, no you didn't. No one has called me that since I was fifteen." She laughed.

I decided that now was a good time to walk back in.

"Hey you, where have you been?"

"Just checking on Evan." I replied as I sat down on the sofa beside Jess.

We all began to start talking about Jess as a child, and I realised that deep inside she was still that little girl. And I don't think that she will ever grow up, but that's what I love about her.

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