Chapter 18

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Andy's POV: Everything was planned, the guys were looking after Evan for the weekend and I was taking Jess to a hotel so we could spend some alone time together. I was quite excited for this as we hadn't really had much time together alone and as much as I adore Evan, it would be nice just to have Jess to myself. We had everything packed and I was just waiting on Jess to come down stairs.

"Jess you ready yet?" I called up to her.

"Yeah, just coming I forgot my toothbrush! I mean how silly is that? I often think I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on tightly" she replied laughing.

"What am I going to do with you?" I asked as she stepped off the last step of the stairs and hugged me. God I love her hugs.

"Mmm, well we'll just have to wait till we get to the hotel, won't we?"

"Cheeky" I sniggered. "Come on we'd better get going."

"I'll race you!" She shouted as she ran out the door. I honestly think I'm dating a child in a woman's body.

"Well that's not fair is it? You've left me to lock the door!"

"Yeah but you've got the car keys"

As we were driving along I couldn't help but smile as she was singing along to the radio.

"What you smiling at Brown?" She asked as she looked at me with her big emerald eyes sparkling in the sun light.

"You" I replied as I changed gear.


"Because I love you"

As soon as it clicked with her what I'd just said her signature big cheesy smile spread broadly across her face.

"I love you too Andy."

Every time she said those words it sent shivers down my spine and instantly I smiled too. This last year has honestly been the best with her and I couldn't see myself with anyone else but Jess. She is perfect in so many ways, yet if I tell her that she won't believe me. She never does.

Jess's POV: We'd arrived at the hotel and it was huge. I mean like wow, I was gobsmacked. It was gorgeous, it was decked out modern style. Pearl white floors, black glass walls, it was simple but very effective. Andy went and booked us in while I stood in awe of the place. 

"Right, that's us booked in and we're on floor five." Andy knocked me out of my gaze and I eventually replied.

"Andy, this place is amazing. You are amazing." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and almost instantly he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Well you deserve it Jess, you never stop and I just wanted this weekend to be special." As he finshed speaking he softly placed his lips onto mine and we kissed. Once again those butterflies swam round my stomach.

I pulled away and said, "Andy we could be in a cardboard box and it would still be special as long as you were there with me."

He laughed and grabbed my hand to lead the way to the lift. Even the lift was amazing. I could tell that this weekend was going to be the best. We got to the door and it took Andy a while to figure out how the card unlocked the door. Bless him. He walked in first and stopped to face me, as if he was waiting to see my reaction. 

When I saw the room, my jaw literally dropped. The room was unlike the reception, pearl white foors covered in soft, black rugs. White walls with picturesque paintings filling the room. It was perfect. And to top it all off, there was a very large bed in the middle of the room against the far wall. I looked around and saw a door was open which lead to a rather large bathroom. When my eyes were finished inspecting the room they caught Andy's silky, brown eyes, which were boring into me. 

"You like?" He asked me and he walked over to me.

I scoffed, "Like? No Andy, I love it! It's beautiful."

He joined his hands with mine, and our fingers interlocked. He looked deeply into my eyes.

"I'm glad you like it Jess. I have a feeling that it's going to be a great weekend, don't you think?"

All I could do was smile and nod. I then leaned in and kissed him. Yep, the butterflies needed another flying session. The kiss began to get heated when we were interupted with a cough. I took a step back and turned round to see a man standing with our bags. 

My cheeks immediately coloured scarlet. Just great! 

"Sorry, thanks for bringing the bags." And as Andy had finished speaking, the small man left leaving the bags infront of us. He shut the door and as soon as it clicked shut Andy turned to me.

"Well that was awkward."  

"I know, oh god see if we see him later then it will be really awkward" I joked. 

"Right, dinner is at seven so we have two hours to go and explore and then we can come back and get ready. Yeah?"

"Okay, so where are we going first then?" I asked. And with that Andy grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. He had that look, which means he's up to something. But what? 

**A/N: I decided to write a little cheesy chapter! I hope you're enjoying it and if there is anything I could do to improve it, please tell me. Thank you so much to everybody that has been reading, voting and commenting! It means alot. I hope you's all had a great Christmas and New Year! 

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