Chapter 20

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Jess’s POV: I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. I was currently standing on decking that was attached to the back of the hotel. There was a thin, white carpet on the floor from where I was standing, leading to a canopy, which was covered with fairy lights, glowing in the dark. The edging of the carpet was covered in small candles giving off my favourite scent, vanilla. In the canopy from where I was standing looked like a table, with candles in the middle. Suddenly my favourite song started to play, which was Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. I turned to face Andy and all I could do smile. I finally managed to get some words out.

“Andy, this is, just, wow. I’m completely speechless.”

“Well that’s a first.” He replied cheekily.

“Shut up, but Andy there’s no need to go to all this effort for me.”

“Oh, but there is Jess. I have never felt like about anyone before. You are just perfect, and don’t shake your head. I don’t know what I’d do without you and Evan. I love you’s both so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Since the first day I met you, I knew you were special and when you told me everything that you have been through I realised just how strong you are. You always smile even when things aren’t the greatest, you still smile. You always put Evan first and you never complain. When I first saw you at the park, I so desperately wanted to talk to you but I didn’t have the courage. And then luckily Sammie went over to you and then I had an excuse to speak to you. I fell hard for you Jess and I’ve never told you just how much you mean to me. I just really wanted to show you just how special you are.” 

He’d finished speaking and I was choked up with what he had just told me. I couldn’t get any words to actually come out of my mouth. He took a hold of my hands and pulled me closer to him. I was now looking into his deep, dark brown eyes. He was waiting for a reply, but I was still in a daze from what he’s just said, that I still couldn’t get any words out. I leant forward and placed my lips onto his soft lips. When I pulled away, all I could do was smile.

“Come on then, lets go eat.” 

I followed Andy as he lead us into the canopy. He pulled out a chair for me. I still couldn’t believe he did all this for me. I’ve always known that I was lucky when I met Andy, and I am definitely never going to let him go, ever. 

**one week later**

Andy's POV: Things were quiet around the house today, Evan was staying at his friends house for the night. Normally me and Jess would go out for tea or the cinema, but she's feeling ill. She has been sick countless times over the past two days and she just looks terrible. I've never seen her like this before. I heard running from up stairs, she's probably being sick again. I ran up the stairs to check on her. And as I opened the bathroom door, I saw Jess hunched over the toilet being sick. 

"Hey, you not feeling any better?" I asked her, already knowing the answer. 

She leant back on the wall, wiping her face and shook her head. Just as she calmed down she was sick again. 

"Andy" whispered with panick on her face.


"Blood, there's blood." 

"Come on, I'm taking you to the hospital."

"No, I hate hospitals. I'll be fine once I've slept." She argued. 

"No, come on. We're going now." 

She didn't even argue again, she was too weak. 

I tried to stay calm so I wouldn't panick Jess. We finally arrived and got her booked in. She was taken straight away. This worried me, it must be serious if she was taken that quickly. I was sitting in the waiting room when a nurse came through and called me over.

"Andy Brown?"

"Yeah that's me. Is she okay?" I said as I walked over to the nurse.

"If you'd like to follow me please." 

After walking through a few corridors I was finally lead through doors to see Jess lying on the hospital bed, now dressed in a hospital gown. 

She looked up at me and gave me a weak smile. Now I definitely knew something was wrong. I sat down beside her bed and took her cold, limp hand. 

Just as I was about to speak to Jess a doctor came in.

"Now that we have all your test results back I can now conclude that you have an abcess in your stomach. Now for treatment, we will need to put an IV in with antibiotics and that should start to drain the abcess away. If that works then we will be able to give your further medicine and you should be able to go home in a week. However, if that doesn't work we will need to perform surgery. But hopefully it won't come to that. So we will start the IV treatment now." And before I could say anything she was sticking what must be the IV into Jess's arm. 

I just hope she's going to be okay. 

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