Chapter 25

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Andy's POV: So tonight I'm going to ask Jess to marry me. God, I've never been this nervous about anything, at all. I was sitting in the living room waiting on Jess to come down stairs. Right Andy, make sure you've got everything. Ring? In my pocket. Phoned Evan? Done. Got the dinner ready? Yeah, well it's not really a dinner, it's a picnic. Right, now I just need Jess.

"Andy?" Jess called me from up stairs.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Could you come up and help me please? I can't get the zip up!"

"Yeah, just coming." I laughed as I ran up the stairs.

I opened the door and was blown away. She was standing in front of the mirror in a red dress that stopped at her lower thighs. God, those legs. I was knocked out of my gaze as Jess turned round.

"Hey, oh god, I can't reach the zip."

I stepped forward and gently tugged at the zip, taking in the sight of my beautiful girlfriend. Soon to be my wife, if she says yes.

We were now both stood at the mirror.

"Jess, you look beautiful, you know that right?"

I noticed that she froze a little and blushed.

"Are you sure? I mean, I don't really suit dresses and-"

"Jess, honestly, stop saying that. You are stunning, whether you're wearing joggers or standing right in front of me wearing this dress. I love you, you know that right?"

She seemed to relax after I finished. She looked back in the mirror.

"I love you too, don't ever forget it okay?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the seriousness in her face.

"I won't, trust me. Now come on I'm starving."

"Yeah, me too."


Jess's POV: I was a little confused as to where Andy was taking me. We walked to where ever we were going. Then it hit me. He was taking me to my favourite place in the world. The old oak tree. I always went there to think, to remember and some of my favourite memories happened there. That's where my dad proposed to my mum. Obviously I wasn't there, but that's the place where I feel closest to them. I miss them so much, but I have Andy and Evan. Mum and Dad would adore Andy. We reached the start of the path that lead to Oaky, that's what I used to call it when I was younger.

"Oh Andy, it's beautiful." I gasped as I took in the sight. There was a blanket laid out under Oaky, there was a basket of food and glasses with wine in them. I turned to look at Andy, when I noticed he had his hand behind his back. He saw me looking at his arm, and he pulled out a red rose. My favourite. A smile spread eagerly across my face.

"You like it?" He asked.

"Like it? No, I love it." I explained as I stepped closer to him.

"Good, now let's eat shall we?"


The nights gone past quite quick. It's been great, just talking about random, silly things. Andy seems a bit off, but I don't know what it is. Suddenly he clears his throat and takes a deep breath.

"Andy, you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. I've just got something to ask you."

"Go ahead." I try to joke because honestly I don't know where this is going.

"Jess, please just listen until I've finished. I have loved this past year and a bit with you. I honestly don't know where I'd be without you. You are honestly the funniest, craziest, emotional, strong, kind, big hearted and smiley person I've ever met. I could go on all night, listing the things I love about you. And I truly want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

He finished, looking deeply into my eyes. Did he just ask me to marry him? What? Wait? Why am I not saying yes? I mean I'd love too. Jess get a grip and actually say the words. God sakes, say it!


I still couldn't get the words out. I started to nod frantically.

"Yes!" I eventually blurted out.

"Yes, Andy. Yes, I'd love to marry you. Yes! Oh my god, YES!"

I'd began to shout. He looked so shocked. Oh god, why did I have to hesitate. Well done!

Right, none of us are saying anything. Show him that you want to marry him. Right, okay, good idea. Kiss him already!

I took a deep breath and leant in. Our lips touched and it felt different. I can't explain it. But it felt amazing. He pulled away.

"Do you really want to?" he asked me.

"Yes, of course." I said whilst smiling.

"We're getting married!" I screamed as I flung my arms around his neck. I felt him laughing.

"Thank god. You had me worried there for a second."

"Sorry Andy. It took a while for it to sink in. You honestly don't know how happy I am right now." I said.

"Oh I think I do." he smirked.

Wow. I'm getting married to the man I love and he asked me where my dad proposed to my mum. Yes, well done Jess, you've certainly made a great choice. Yep, you're definitely learning.

"Right let's get this ring on your finger."

And with that he pulled out the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen. It was silver, and it looked simple, but delicate at the same time. I gasped at the sight of it. He took it out of the red box and placed it on my finger.

"Andy it's gorgeous."

"Just like you."

"Shut up and kiss me already." I said cheekily.

I love this man, with all my heart.

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