Chapter 3

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(A very very very very very small reference of rápe. You've been warned.)

Ben, Frank, Gerard and Denis were in biology class together and Ben was staring at Denid the whole time. Frank nudged him. Ben looked at his friend.

"Stop staring. You'll make him uncomfortable." Frank was probably the most logical out of his group of friends.

"You should be speakin'. I see you glancing at that red head. What's his name?" Ben asked, he knew his name but pretended he didn't to annoyed Frank.

"It's Gerard." He mumbled as he wrote down notes. Ben went back to watching Denis. Unfortunately, he turned and looked about before his eyes landed on Ben. He smirked, making Denis blush and turn around. "You prick. You know that you're gonna go running back to Danny once he gets here." Frank growled. Ben rolled his eyes.

"Shove it." He flipped off the short boy:

Denis turned back to Gerard who was picking at his nails. "Gee." Denis nudged him. Gerard looked up and then looked at Denis.

"What's up?" He asked as he twirled his red hair through his fingers. "Is it the new Brit?" He asked knowingly. Denis rolled his eyes. Denis blushed and hid his face.

"What? No no no. I was telling you that the lad next to him was totally checking you out." Denis explained. Gerard made a sound that made it seem like he knew he was being checked out.

"Well duh, I'm Gerard Way. Everybody wants a piece of this." He said dramatically.

"Oh stop it. He seems to be the only one. Tony told me he sucked a dick in the bathroom. With one of the new guys." Denis added. Gerard dropped his pen and let go of the hair twirled around his finger.

"Oh my fuck. He doesn't seem like the person who would do that." He whispered to Denis.

"Yea well, he doesn't seem like the person to stretch their ears or get tattoos either but he has both." Denis pointed out.

Ben and Frank happened to eavesdropping on their conversation and knew exactly who made Tony suck it.

"Mike." They said in unison.

"That piece of shit." Frank growled. "Making poor Tony get down and dirty." Ben shrugged and wrote down some notes.

"I bet he liked it. He could always file ra-"

"Shut up, Ben." Frank ignored his idiot of a friend for the rest of class. The bell rang and the students filed out. Ben and Frank watched Denis and Gerard leave and they both smirked and followed.

"Hey boys." Ben slung his arm around Denis and immediately felt something when he did. Not his shoulders, you idiots. He felt a good feeling in his stomach that made his smirk turn into a smile. Denis blushed and Frank did the same with Gerard. Gee linked their fingers together as if they've been a couple for years. Denis giggled and looked at Ben and smiled.


Denis' smile was very adorable. It always looks genuine and bright. He looked straight as he was walking but I could definitely see that smile he was trying to hide. I saw Kellin and his group up ahead. Denis stopped and so did Gerard. Denis waved and Gerard blew a kiss before they both went to their friends.

I heard giggling and Denis blushing and nudging his friend, who I assumed was Oliver. I noticed two tall figures next to me. I looked to see Andy and Austin standing besides me. They led me the rest of the group and we went to our classes.

Soon it was lunch and Denis and his group were all sitting at one table. Two or three hand their feet kicked up and chatting amongst themselves. I turned back to my friends. I looked at Mike and sent him a glare. "What'd you do to that poor boy? Lord know where your dick has been and then you shove it in Tony's mouth?" I asked. Mike shrugged and ate some fries that probably weren't good.

"I think he liked it because he was blushing when he left. Not crying or screaming. Plus I wouldn't do that to him. He' sweet and gentle." He explained and looked at his brother next to him. "Anyway, I heard that Danny is coming in a few weeks." Mike smirked. I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"Yea so? We'll fuck, he'll leave for Texas again and that's it." I told him in a monotone voice. I took notice of Josh biting his lip and looking at something or should I say someone. I turned to see him looking at a shaggy haired boy with his feet kicked up and laughing. It was Oliver. I actually remember him. When he lived in England, he went to my school until he moved and he's here now. He seems happy.

"Got your eye on someone, Franceschi?" I teased and drank some water. He groaned and threw a napkin at me.

"Shut up, Benny." He laughed and stole one of Mike's fries. "Hey I got an idea." We all hummed for an answer. "Why don't we all have a sleepover at my place and I promise you, all of us are gonna make out with one of them." He smirked.

Austin covered his mouth to stifle a laugh that escaped him, which sounded like a snort and laugh combine. He laughs were the best because they were funny. Andy smiled and shook his head. He rarely laughed. Frank simply smiled, seeming to like the idea.

"We'll see." Vic spoke.

(Sorry to the lack of updates. I've been busy with summer stuff.)

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