Chapter 4

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Thank you for all the positive feedback on my last chapter and throughout the book so far:)

Josh stood up and walked over to them along with Alex. They all looked up at them, either looking bored or interested in what the two had to say.

Alex noticed Jack, his partner reading a book. He stood next to Jack and Ashley. "Josh is having a sleepover and since you were all so nice to us, you have all been invited to Josh's house to attend." Jack looked up at Alex and blushed lightly before going back to his book. Kellin smiled at Alex.

"I would love too but I can't speak for the rest of my friends." Kellin said and looked at his left to Alan.

"Is Austin gonna be there?" Alan asked quietly. Alex and Josh nodded. "I mean sure, he isn't my favorite person but I don't want Kells to be alone with eight boys." Alan spoke and then glanced at Tony and Oliver. Tony shrugged and nodded and Oliver looked at Josh and smirked.

"I'm up for it." Oliver put his feet down and continued to look at Josh. "I call Josh's bed. I'm not sleeping on the floor." He winked before getting up to throw away his garbage. Tony snickered and watched before getting up as well and taking Oli outside to smoke. Josh watched with slight jealously.

"What about you, Jack?" Alex asked as he nudged the boy gently. "Will you go?"

"Oh um, yea. I'll go. When is it?" He asked softly.

"Tomorrow since it's Friday today, we can all go to Josh's place." Alex explained. Jack nodded before getting up and leaving with Alan and Kellin.

"I'll go." Gerard giggled as he drank some water.

"Me too." Denis and Ashley said together. Then all three left for class. Alex turned to Josh who was looking in the direction Oliver went.

"Josh." Alex waved his hand in front of him to snap him out of his trace.

"Oh sorry, mate. Let's head back." Josh spoke and went back to their table with their friends. "So lads, all of them are joining us at the sleepover tomorrow evening." Josh announced. All of them nodded and went back to eating.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Andy asked as he looked at Josh.

"Yea. My parents aren't home on the weekends anyway." Josh reassured and yawned.

"Umm...Ashley's going, right?" Andy asked.

"Yup." Josh hummed.

"Perfect." Andy got up and walked away to go follow Ashley.


Just the time of day I hate.

P.E. Also what I like to call physical execution. It always made me laugh.

Currently me and my friends were in the boys' locker room, changing. It was quiet aside from Alan and Kellin talking. Then suddenly it got loud. Oh no. Not them. I quickly got changed as fast as I could but not fast enough. I saw him. Andy.

His blue eyes connected to my gaze. He smirked as he looked up and down my body. He turned to get dressed himself and now it was my turn to watch. He has tattoo sleeves and a few here and there. He was truly stunning. I ripped my gaze away and finished getting dressed and putting up my hair and ran onto the field where Jack, Oli and Denis were.

They all smiled at me and then looked at Coach Coma or CC. He was really out going. He had his black hair up and a bandana holding some of it back. He flashed a smile as the rest of the class joined. It was me, Andy, Vic, Kellin, Oli, Josh, Jack, Alex, Kevin Ghost, Alan and Austin. I liked Kev. He was a nice guy.

"Alright cupcakes batches. Time to get moving. I want two laps and thirty push ups. Go." He blew his whistle and the whole started running. Running was suicide. I hated it but kept going. I noticed that Andy quickly caught up with me.

"Hey, Ash." He smiled at me while we ran.

"Oh, hi." I said, out of breath.

"You seem like you're dying." He pointed out and I gently shoved his shoulder.

"Shut up." I laughed and ran a little faster. He caught up.

"Is this a game, Purdy?" He smirked and I smirked back.

"If you want it to be." I went ahead of him and this time, he was falling behind. "Come one, Andy. Use those long ass legs!" I teased as I kept running. I heard him grunt and I laughed. He stopped running to catch his breath and I stopped too, making sure he was okay. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Don't worry about me." He straighten up and pushed his black hair back.

"I'll always worry. Come on." I encouraged and ran at his speed. Finally we finished the laps and now it was time for the push ups. I noticed Austin sitting out and looking a bit in pain. Alan would sometimes look at Austin in concern. They were cute together. I finally finished my push ups and laid down in exhaustion. Kellin giggled as he laid down next to me.

"You were totally flirting with Andy." He smiled as he laid there. His black hair in his face but his blue-green eyes were still shining. I've always envied Kellin. He was such a nice guy and was beautiful. He has a perfect body and looks and here I am, a fucking potato with emo hair.

"Yea, maybe but I mean, have you seen him?" I asked as he looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Yea, not my type. He's too quiet for me. I like a yapper. They need to keep up with me. Like Vic." He said dreamily.

"Not my type either but that just means we're good friends. Friends, best friends don't have to be similar. They just have to get along." I whispered. Kellin giggled and nodded in agreement. And it was just like that. He talked, laying all sweaty on the class as we waited for the rest of the class to finish.

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