The Morning After

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I woke up around eight to discover that someone was downstairs....a waft of breakfast was in my nostrils and as I pondered grabbing a baseball bat to confront these breakfast thieves I then remembered that Lavendar was downstairs...

I took a quick shower and then put on a t-shirt and jeans and went down expecting to confront a mess but instead I was rather surprised to see the place in one piece...

"Good Morning sis.......did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did, but I can't for the life of me figure out how I ended up sleeping downstairs"

"You probably don't remember stumbling in at 2am and then promptly dropping like the proverbial 'sack of potatoes'?"

She was clearly trying hard to remember but getting nowhere and gave up...

"Sorry.......was I drunk?"

"A little yes, but I am pleased to see you have sobered up now"

"Yes, well I woke up at about seven thirty and was hungry, so that's why I made breakfast and if anything last night is to go by then I owe you one"

"That's ok, you had a good night with George then?"

"Actually no......he called off sick"

"So what happened then, you clearly had a good night"

She blushed a deep shade of red, this was something new...

"I'm not sure you are going to believe me sis"

"At this time of day my mind may be a little fogged but I am all ears, what happened"

"I met a girl"

"You.......met......a girl?"

"Yes, she was on a date and it turned out that the person she was meeting had not turned up we shared a table and had a good night"

I got the feeling there was more to this story...

"Come on sis.......that's not the end of the story is it?"

"No its turned out she was on a date with another girl which I suppose was ok considering she is a lesbian, anyway we had such a good night that she invited me back to her place so we could continue drinking"

I listened with interest but did not anticipate how this story was going to end.

"At her place we had a few more drinks then played 'truth or dare' for a laugh and well to cut a long story short......we kissed and then we did a little bit more than kiss and we both ended up naked and had sex"

I looked goggle eyed at my straight sister who had just confessed to having lesbian sex...

"Oh my do you feel?"

"Well we were both a little drunk but I remember everything and most of all I can recall what she looks like too"

"But you came back home"

"Yes......she lives with her mum and got home late from her job, she never saw the two of us but I quickly dressed and made a hasty retreat"

"I hope you got her number"

"Yes I did and we are going to meet up today, to talk things through......I'm confused Elixir because I loved it"

I remembered back to the conversation in the van when Lavendar talks about considering becoming a lesbian and I scoffed at what she had said, and now she had done it with a girl....I felt like she had finally done something right in her life and if I wasn't her sister then I would be doing more than offering to give her a congratulatory kiss.

"Do you want me to meet her?"

"All In good time........I need to get my head around this"

I walked into the kitchen and took some bacon, eggs, fried bread and tomato and then the two of us sat and ate in silence...

"So what's your plans today Elixir?"

"Well I need to get the amenities in order, obviously I don't need to worry about Gas and Electric but I do need a new dentist and doctor too"

"May I suggest you try and join the High Street Surgery they are taking new clients and it is a multi-facility with a Doctors and Dentist included"

"Thanks're a big help"

After breakfast, I washed the dishes and then I went across and gave her a big hug

"Well have totally shocked me but if it makes you feel better.......good on ya girl, I'm totally jealous"

She smiled at me.......this was a great start to our new life...

Lavendar had given me a general tour of the area and then she left me to go meet with her new acquisition.....a girlfriend.

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