The Second Class

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One of the less exciting aspects of the job was having to repeat everything that had been done during the morning lesson and to make sure that nothing was different I had taken notes, so after we got to know each other, time was spent going through the course details, having some fun too. This time, however I had a one to one session with each of the students and during this time I would hope to find out their opinions of the University, of the course content, of myself and the subject, it would also give them time to ask me some questions.

I observed that the twins sat together and so I took the time to speak with them.

"If everyone can stop what they are doing please....I am going to have a serious of 1-2-1 talks with you all"

I called the two girls forward and let them sit alongside each other.

"Hello Brooklyn......Manhattan, as part of this 1-2-1 it is an opportunity for you to talk about the course, any highlights that interest you, any problems you have or may see becoming and then you can ask me some questions"

They looked at me with questionable expressions.

"Brooklyn is very shy and doesn't speak very much but you can ask me"

"Ok I have no problem with that"

To be fair, Manhattan was a very intelligent girl and Brooklyn leapt from her silent shell at times, especially when her sister tried to talk about the type of person she was, which she frequently was right about but was hopeless with the end of the conversation I had learnt that they loved Biology and even told me in a bold manner that as lesbian sisters they loved to explore the female form....I don't know if they were trying to get a reaction out of me or not or to simple see if it would turn me be honest it did and I even imagined what the three of us would look like naked until I remembered they were sisters and such imagines were wrong.

I let them get back to finishing the exercises and asked one of the other girls to come and speak with me......her name was Tamara, she was 18 years of age and very sporty....she was also very busty and wore a t-shirt and shorts to my class......I think she was a little bit flirty too and was one that I would need to keep an eye on..

I found out that she was single having recently moved here from New Zealand but already had her eyes on someone in the University.......she assured me it was not a teacher which put my mind at rest and although she emphasised her sentences with subtle touches on my arms and knees I was not intimidated by her.

This class was not as interesting as the first but as part of the semester it was an idea of mine to encourage a little bit of competition between the two of them and I planned a series of challenges to find out who would excel......the top three students from each class would be eligible to take part in the final experiment which was planned for the end of the semester.

One that was out of the way I got ready to announce my choice for teacher's aide....I always liked to have someone around who could help for when I would be late to class and hence start the lesson by pointing out which page they all had to carry on with....the duties would also include a short certificate course if they were interested in it becoming something that interested in the future.

My choice was limited because I had discovered that some of the girls were shy and others just didn't have the interest so I was surprised when Brooklyn raised her hand and volunteered......perhaps this would bring her out of the shy girl she was and become a bit more of a participant.

The bell rang and I collected my papers together and went along the corridor to the mathematics room........this was my second subject but I only taught it when the regular tutor would be off sick or on holiday......I knocked on the door

"Miss Johannsen, how may I help you?"

"I was wondering if I could have a word with Jessica Farrell."

"By all means"

The teacher turned to Jessica and she followed me out of the classroom.

"Hi Jessica............I've got something to ask you.........would you like to be the teacher aide for my class?"

"Oh Elixir, I would love it"

"Good that's settled then.........that was all I wanted to ask you"

I let her return to maths.......the lesson lasted 30 minutes longer than mine as it was very intensive.

After leaving the classroom I went down to the bursary in the hope of seeing Lavendar.......I got there and she was busy typing away...

"Hey sis, what time is your appointment?"

"In 30 minutes"

"I've finished..........would you like a lift?"

"Ok yes, that would be excellent thank you"

So we left the University building and went out to my car.......I drove it all the way into town and then dropped Lavendar off at the surgery....then I parked the car and took the short walk across to the Marine Conservation shop.

I watched as she entered the surgery and then I entered the Marine Shop.........a gruff old man with a shock of white hair approached me

"How can I help you??"

"I just wanted to introduce myself.....My name is Elixir Johannsen and I've just moved into the village"

"Well I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.....what an unusual name"

"You can thank my father for that"

"And what brings you to our quaint village?"

"A fresh start and work"

"That's great.........what do you do?"

"I teach Biology at the University"

"Oh might know my wife.........Maria Carter?"

"Yes, she is in my class......but it's only the first day and I can already see that she will enjoy the lesson".

"I hope so, she needs something to occupy her mind..........I'm a bit too old for her"

"Old? No I wouldn't say that"

"You're too kind"

We shook hands and had a chat about village life and he provided me with some information about the project they were the coast was a flock of swans which were becoming endangered, so I put my name down and offered to help.

I left the shop and sent a text to Lavendar to let her know that I was on my way and would be in the car.

I waited for a good 40 minutes which surprised me for a simple registration but eventually I saw her, she was in tears...

"What's wrong Lavendar?"

"I don't want to talk about it.......can we go home and eat and then I will tell you"

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