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Sorry Ive got a Headache

Terri needed to be up early for work and so we skipped another orgasm fest and instead had a quick kiss and cuddle.

While she was styling her hair I was in the kitchen and making breakfast, as I moved the plates on to the breakfast bar I failed to notice her bag sitting there until it toppled over and the contents of the bag landed all over the floor.

I picked up the items and put them back into her bag and then noticed a container with some little red pills inside of it and a label which read as "Miracles".

Terri came downstairs and I asked her about the pills.

"Sorry, I knocked your bag on the floor and they fell out"

"That's ok, no harm done"

"What are these little white pills you have?"

"Ah....a purely experimental drug"

"But what do they do?"

"Its to help lesbian couples who have lost the spark....get it back"

"Seems rather pointless...........all the girls I know will never ever lose it........will you Terri"

She moved over to where I was standing and we shared a very long kiss....I don't think I could ever tire of the kind of loving that I received from her.

"Anyway Elixir I need to be going..........busy day at the surgery, what does your day have planned?"

"Lots of sleep and then I am off to see the swan conservation later"

"Sounds like a lot of fun.......can I get some water please?"


"Yes.........I expect it to be very busy"

She rummaged in the bag and found a bottle of paracetamol, took out two tablets and put the bottle on the table.

"Don't forget your miracle pills..............have you got some clients?"

"None of yet but that's what this conference is all about"

"Im curious about it being an experimental drug......I guess there are side effects"

"Yes of course......it can lead to a heightened sexually aroused state"


"Yes......a bit like viagra"

"I don't understand"

"Well lets just say you could find yourself becoming sexually attracted to other people, beyond your control"

"Sounds dangerous.........is there a counter measure?"

"Well, we thought that the other person could take the drug and thus create a balance".

"Well I guess I am fortunate that I will never need to use it"

I handed her the pills and she put them back into her bag

"Is it ok if I keep my headache pills here?"

"Yes that's fine"

I walked her to the door, we kissed one last time and then she was gone.

Just before I went to bed I had to make sure as to whether Lavendar was coming back tonight so I quickly rattled off a quick text to her.

I didn't get a reply after waiting for a good fifteen minutes and I could only assume she was staying out and I was really keen to find out how her night had been......As I was about to lock the door I heard my phone buzz.

"Hi Elixir.......Had an absolutely brilliant night......heading home now"

I left the back door open and then went upstairs to bed..

I couldn't get to sleep straight away and logged on to Wattpad.......i find some lovely teacher and student stories and immersed myself in some hot lesbian encounters......It helped settle my mind and I was soon asleep.


I got home to find the house in darkness and went around to the back to find the door open.

It had been a great night....I had a few drinks with Maria and we waited impatiently for Jessica but she didn't turn up so the two of us talked about our impending threesome.....to be honest Im not that keen and neither was Maria, all I knew was that she wanted a divorce and was keen to restart in a new relationship.

We found we had a lot in common and the night was really good with plans to do it again........the situation with Jessica needed sorting and we hoped to get it sorted as soon as possible.

Mr Carter came to pick up his wife as she had consumed quite a lot of wine and I was also able to get a lift back, so here I am back at the house.......It would have been so much better if Elixir had been up but that would have to wait.......I went into the kitchen to look for some pills as I could feel a headache coming along and after taking two tablets and water I then decided to go to bed.

I got to the top of the stairs and could see the light under Elixirs door but I didn't want to disturb her and instead went to my room, got out of my sweaty clothes and settled into bed...Seconds later I was out like a light.

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