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Belinda was sitting where I left her..

"Well baby you are in for a treat today"

I could swear she purred at me when I said that.

I was dressed in my 'mess around' clothes which I used for such purposes and it also meant I could get as dirty as possible, especially if I managed to find some muddy puddles for Belinda to dive into....It was a thirty minute ride out to Donnington and beyond the racing circuits were a series of hills which rally drivers used for practice.

The area has become an almost wasteland as the money ran out and even though it was still used for these drivers, it was also available for someone like myself to enjoy, lots of hills and quite a challenging course to follow........I knew we were both going to have fun..

As it turned out the day could not have gone any better and when some other people turned up with their cars we made it into a bit of a race......I was very rusty having not indulged in such activity for a long time but after a few laps of the circuit I began to enjoy myself and after practice it was made into a competition with there being a prize for the fastest lap.......I watched as the first two competitors had posted reasonable times and then it was my turn.

Now I must say that the compact size of my car made it easy enough to manoeuvre through the twists and turns but I was a little apprehensive of making the steep climb up the ridge to the finish line......But I knew that I would learn nothing if I didn't take chances.

So the flag was raised and I put the car into the correct gears and made my descent into the valley....there were lots of puddles and Belinda was getting quite muddied but I think she was really enjoying the the half way check point we was ahead by a full second and so I eased on the accelerator in preparation for the climb up the ridge and to the finish line, by easing my foot on the clutch and then leaving it on the accelerator I was able to climb the ridge with little ease and I raised my hand in triumph......unfortunately I failed to see a rock in the road until it was too late and the next thing I remember was waking up to discover that the car was on its roof and I was surrounding by a dozen concerned faces.....I looked at them and smiled, I was perfectly all right even though my pride was wounded.

It had been a great afternoon and apart from a few dents I think that Belinda was happy with the chance to put her power to the test, I was happy too and it allowed me to forget about the worries that were going on around me.

I found out that there was a club which took rallying to the countryside and was a chance for amateurs like myself to just get together and have fun and before the two of us went home I had signed up, paid my membership and agreed to meet with them very soon......I was hoping to bring Terri along as I needed a co-driver and she might just be interested in doing this for me.

Belinda was covered from head to bonnet in mud but I didn't care and I was sure she wasn't either........we took the long ride back and I enjoyed the feeling of the wind in my hair and the enthusiastic sounds that emanated from her engine.


I stopped the car in a layby as my phone started to ring.

" there something wrong?"

"No I was just ringing to ask how you are doing and to let you know that I spoke to Jessica about tonight"

"Ok and what did she say?"

"She thinks the idea is a good one"

"That's brilliant.....should be a good night"

I was about to hang up

"There was something else I wanted to tell you"

"Ok but be quick.........I'm quite a long way from home and it's gonna be tough to get everything done"

"The message is from Maria Carter........she says her husband would like to speak with you and asks that you come to the shop sometime"

"Message received"

I decided to make a detour into the village square and go see him.


He looked up as I entered the shop...

"Aah Miss Johannsen, you got my message"

"Call me Elixir"

"Ok Elixir it is.......My message was simply to say that a group of us are heading to the conservation point to see the swans on Thursday and we wondered if as our newest recruit you would like to come along and if necessary you could make some suggestions"

"Is your wife a member of the group?"

"Yes she is the founder member....have the two of you not got together and had a chat yet?"

"No I have only seen her in class once, I teach her on Mondays and Fridays"

"I can see how that would be difficult you only teach on two days at the University?"

"Yes I only do the two days because I have a side career in writing"

"Well that sounds like a lot of fun.......I will ring you regarding a time for the meeting"

I left the shop and was about to go home when my phone rang again.......I recognised the number as the University.

"Elixir Johannsen how may I help you?"

"Elixir, it's the Principal........there has been a mix-up with the schedules for the semester and we currently have no mathematics tutor for the Wednesday morning session, so I was calling to ask if you would like the job to run alongside your other teaching duties"

I thought about it for a mere few seconds.

"I would love to do it, but my mathematics is a little may take a couple of weeks to bring me back to speed"

"That's no problem at you are ok to come in and teach tomorrow?"

"Yes that will be fine"

I thought about this evening's entertainment and considered cancelling, instead it would have to be a meal and drinks with an early night.

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