The Doctor will see you Now

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I had not seen my sister for five years and we had yet to have a serious night together and so this evening we were going to watch a movie, get take out and open a bottle or two of wine...
I dressed casually in a pair of jeans and t-shirt and came downstairs to see that Lavendar had already picked a movie and took the wine from the cooler...
We chose two of my favourites and in this case it was "Cool Runnings", a comedy about the Jamaican Bobsleigh Team and Lavendar chose a popular Australia movie called "Cocktail" which starred Tom Cruise and Bryan Brown which centred around appropriately a cocktail bar.
We chose a red and white wine and the takeout was simply a mixture of chop suey, chow Mein and noodles.
The evening was made more special by my sister being here and I had not been happier in a long time, to top that she had moved from being heterosexual to at least being bisexual and that was a great start in her new life, I only hoped that this was not just a one off and it had more potential.
We watched the movies and had so much fun, the wine began to flow and with the food we were back to our old selves and this is what we had missed.
It felt like being at home once again, only this time we would be together and not have to worry about being questioned over every single thing by my dad.
All too soon the evening was drawing to a close and after all the food and wine was gone we settled back into two chairs and just rested our eyes
"Can I ask you something sis?"
I look across at Lavendar...
"Sure, you can ask me anything"
"What made you choose to become a lesbian?"
"Lavendar, I didn't make that choice......I just knew I would never be able to attract's a part of my genetic make-up"
I watched as she absorbed this information but I expected more questions to follow.
"I know this might sound a bit forward but what's it like to eat pussy?"
I knew she was getting drunk and might not remember in the morning so I saw no harm in telling her...
"It's like nothing you have ever imagined before.....being with a woman or even a girl is something special because only another female knows how to please you"
"That's what I wanted to hear....I'm going to see her again"
I was over the moon and also a little booze addled brain was hoping that my sister wanted me to show her how to eat pussy, fortunately when I woke the following morning I had forgotten all about it.
Dental Surgery

I awoke to the sound of someone breaking up the pavement with a drill and then realised that the noise was coming from within my head...I got up and put a couple of alza-seltzer in a glass of water and attempted to get rid of the headache that two bottles of wine had brought on...
I took a hot shower and then went to get dressed......I noticed a message on my phone and read it..........
"Dear Miss Johannsen, please note for your physical that loose fitted clothing is preferred".
I went to the wardrobe and picked out a skirt and shirt, I kept my legs bare and put on a simple pair of shoes...of course I made sure I found a good matching bra and knickers set......I was getting nervous for this and only hoped that my nervousness didn't kick in or else I would have to call it off.
I skipped breakfast and took a bottle of water from the fridge, my first port of call was the dentist and I didn't want the hygienist to take a look at my teeth and burst out laughing.
I walked across the hall and opened the bedroom door of my sister, I could see her sprawled across the bedspread and she was............naked.
As soon as I saw her it came all flooding back what had happened the previous night and I became deeply would be worse on Lavendar because she would no doubt remember it too.....I refrained from speaking with her and instead left the house and went for a walk.
It was still early and my dental appointment was not for another hour but I couldn't risk Lavendar walking up and remembering the events of the previous night.......I was more concerned for her but knew that in the long run this might benefit her meeting with Jessica.
I took a walk through the park and watched all the couples who were holding hands and looking was a shame that they were all heterosexual couples but one day I hoped it would be lesbian that could hold hands and not be prejudiced against and one couple would be Lavendar and Jessica.
I left the park with many thoughts and took the short walk to the surgery...I took the left door and proceeded to the reception.
I noticed that the receptionist had changed.......completely....and this one was a man with a thick ginger beard...
"Can I help you?"
"My name is Elixir Johannsen, I have an appointment with Chloe Highfield".
He looked down a list.
"Yes.....please take a seat and I will let you know to go through"
I went into the waiting room, took a magazine and settled down....I had only been sat for thirty seconds
"Mrs Highfield is now free, you may go through to room two"
I got up and went into the room where I was greeted by a stocky woman who resembled Dolores Claiborne, she was quiet and only spoke to ask my name and then I was thrust into the chair and she went through the usual routine of numbers and letters which signified each wasn't uncomfortable at all but it did feel sterile and the atmosphere was business like instead of being friendly..
"So Miss Johannsen.......your teeth are perfect and we do not need to have a scale and polish, however I would suggest that you replace your mouthwash and use a standard cleaning agent as alcohol is a poor substitute"
She looked directly into my eyes and for the first time smiled.......I knew exactly what she meant.
"Your teeth are immaculate......I will see you in six months"
I got up and left the room and went back down to the reception and was booked in for another appointment in six months.
The Doctor will see you now
This was a good start to the day and so I quickly left this part of the surgery and took the right handed door and proceeded to the reception desk, met the same receptionist from the other day, gave my name and found myself sitting in a very similar waiting room....I was unusually nervous, this would be my first physical and I was aware of some of the procedures that would be involved...
Just then the receptionist called for me to return to the front desk.
"Sorry Miss Johannsen, I forgot to ask you to bring in a urine sample"
"That's ok.......I need to go, would that be ok?"
She directed me to the toilets and gave me a litmus strip in order that the sample could be taken straight away, I filled the specimen tube and then took it to the receptionist.
"Thank you.....I will get this taken to the Doctor"
I watched as she moved from behind the desk and knocked on the door...there was a very confident female voice which requested that the receptionist enter and then in next to no time she retreated empty handed and went to sit back behind the reception desk.
"Miss Mackenzie will see you now"
I got up and thanked her then went over to the door and knocked.
"Come in"
I opened the door and stepped inside.....the room was simply furnished with a leather chair that she sat in and another chair which I would no doubt be using shortly, the desk was littered with technical equipment, a laptop, various medical journals too.
To the other side of the room I saw a surgical bed and a screen for changing.
The doctor looked up at me and smiled...
"Miss Johannsen I presume"
She held out her hand and I took it....her grip and strong but comfortable and in the few seconds that we shook hands it gave me a chance to give her the customary 'once over' with my eyes and let's just say I was far from being disappointed.
"Please call me Terri, it's a lot more personal than being called Miss Mackenzie all the time and besides I like to connect with my patients"
"Terri it is then"
She was beautiful and the first I noticed was her mane of red hair and as my eyes took her in from the freshness of her face down to her breasts and further down to her legs I was beginning to feel much more relaxed....obviously she was dressed like a doctor should be in a white coat and had a stethoscope around her neck but I was happy with the choice that had been presented to me..
"So shall we sit down, go through a few preliminaries and then start the examination......I'm assuming that's ok with you?"
She was so thoughtful too that I found to be refreshing...
"Yes I am ok with that"
"Right, I have all the information about you including your name, age, place of birth, date of birth, plus a little bit of personal statistics which although not necessary to the examination, is important for the database"
I wondered what information was included that she would know about me but I didn't seem to mind, after all she would know everything once the examination took place...
"I now need to ask about your medical history to find out if you have any allergies, history of family illness, phobias etc."
The medical questionnaire was quite long but detailed and I answered all the questions as truthfully as possible...
"OK everything is going well so far, now we will do the standard tests....examine eyes, ears, nose and throat then take blood pressure and I would ask that you remove your shoes and allow me to take your weight and height"
She seemed to really enjoy her work and did not seen phased by the mundane part of her work, I suppose she found it better to get the tedious part of the job out of the way before performing the physical.
"All the notes have been taken and the second part of the examination is now complete......I have looked at the urine sample and the litmus test shows no abnormalities, so we can proceed to the third part which will be the actual physical"
I felt my heart rate increase at this and she noticed it.
"Are you feeling ok?"
"Yes I'm fine but this will be my first ever physical and I'm a little bit nervous as to what it involves"
She nodded her head in such a wonderful way that I began to think that I was just being silly.
"Well the physical part of the test natural includes physical examination and this will mean that you are partially naked, I will perform standard examination of your breasts for lumps and make a general feel to make sure that they maintain the right shape.....I will take some blood for analysis of which the results will be available at the end of the examination, this will test for high levels of glucose and any other is standard and I don't expect any problems........the last part of the examination is the most personal and it is one that a lot of women find embarrassing, so in the simplest terms I will be using a gel and with a gloved hand I will insert it into your vagina and check for any abnormalities inside the is very possible that this will excite and cause you to lubricate but this is perfectly normal"
I looked at her wide eyed but excited at the prospect but I knew that this was a totally professional part of the whole examination.
"Now I would ask that you go behind this screen and undress, there is the customary gown for you to wear.....when you have stripped completely and put the gown on, please lay down onto the surgical bed"
I did as she asked and walked behind the screen and began to remove my clothes........the air hit my nipples and I felt them stiffen and for a moment I thought of her hands upon them.......'think professional' went through my head and they reverted to a soft state.
I then took off my skirt and my knickers followed, I quickly put on the surgical gown and then took my place on the surgical bed and waited for her...
She had gone to change and was now dressed in blue scrubs and then walked toward me...
"You feeling ok?"
"Yes I'm fine thanks"
"I just wanted to say that Elixir is a very beautiful name and it fits perfectly for such a beautiful woman"
"Thank you......that's very nice of you to say so"
She took an extremely long needle out of the desk drawer and moved menacingly towards me...
"I'm sorry but this is going to hurt you more than it will me"
"That a do not doubt for a second"
She told me to stand up and then present my arm...
"I just need to find a vein and then take a sample of your blood"
She ran her fingers up and down my arm which caused a few tingles in areas which I was not expecting but she managed to find a vein and then with a sharp but quick prickling, the needle found its mark and filled the tubule with my blood.
I watched as the doctor seemed to take great pleasure from this small action and she eyed the red liquid like a vampire does when awaiting its daily meal...
"Looks very healthy....we will get the blood down to the lab straight away and have the results back when the examination is over".
She gave me a plaster to put on my arm and I laid back down...she took the tubule and left the room, I could hear a conversation with the receptionist and a request to get the blood result back as soon as possible.

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