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I woke up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty and decided to get up and go down for a glass of water.

I reached for the light switch.........nothing happened so I guessed the bulb was gone, I put a robe on and opened the door to the staircase...I flicked the switch with the same result......there must have been a power cut but I was still thirsty so I carefully climbed down the stairs.

I was near the bottom when my foot made contact with a sharp object and I lost my balance.........I fell forward and hit my head but fortunately nothing serious had happened, unfortunately I now had a pounding headache.

I went into the kitchen and after finding a torch managed to see enough to pour a glass of water and take out a couple of headache tablets.......I went and sat on a chair at the breakfast bar and allowed the tablets to reduce the pain in my head . I went to the power box under the stairs and discovered that there had indeed been a trip and then I climbed back up the stairs to my room.

Before I headed in I happened to notice that the light in my sisters room was still on, obviously she thought the bulb had gone and forgotten about it so I decided the honourable thing to do was open the door and turn it off.

I didn't want to make any noise and work her up and so I silently opened the door and then reached over to the light switch........as I was about to turn it off I noticed out of the corner of my eye that her leg was hanging out of the covers.....I opened the door and walked inside, crossed to the bed and took hold of her leg........I was about to move the covers and replace her leg when I felt a sensation overtake me........her skin was so soft and I began to run my fingers up and down her leg, then Lavendar woke up.

"What are you doing Elixir..........Oooh that feels so good"

She pulled the covers back and I was looking directly at her naked body and then I licked my lips, removed my robe and climbed onto the bed.......I laid on top of her and we kissed.......then I let my hands explore until they took her breast in one hand.....it was warm and I had the urge to taste her other breast and moved myself until my mouth engulfed the nipple...Lavendar was moaning beneath me and then she flipped me over and began to kiss my neck.....I was getting hot and instinctively started to open my legs.......Lavendar looked up and smiled and moved her fingers along my inner thigh before opening up my vagina and plunging those fingers inside.

The feeling was unlike anything I had experienced but I wanted much more and I began to tickle her stomach........she grinned at me and then lowered herself until she was eye level with my crotch.........this was the moment I had waited for in a long time and moaned her name as she took hold of my clit in her teeth and began to lick between my legs........I was close and urged her on by arching my back, her tongue went further into me......I told hold of my breasts and pinched my nipples and then after a loud groan I came.......I filled her mouth with my cum and then settled back on the pillows.

Lavendar climbed back up my body and then positioned her vagina directly above my mouth.......she smelled delicious and I could only imagine that she would taste even better.......She lowered herself to my mouth and my tongue licked between her lips and I was soon savouring the taste of her juices in my mouth....

She climbed off and lied down, we shared a final kiss before she went to sleep.

I got up and went to the bathroom on the landing.......I made it through the door and ran the shower......I was feeling very hot and had a cold shower.........in minutes I was definitely starting to recover and went to turn the water off.

I got out of the shower and went back into my room and promptly fell asleep.

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