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The one constant in life apart from death and taxes is that wherever you move to, finding work becomes necessary unless you have retired of course.

As a result I was up nice and early to prepare for the first day at University, I had been assured that this was one of the top educational achievers in the region and as such my job would be made easier by the students being interested in the subject rather than spending it looking bored and also spending their student loans on booze, drugs and cigarettes.

After a nice shower and putting on my university robes.....yes we had a set dress code, made one think of school all over again......I then went downstairs for a little bit of breakfast, perhaps some muesli and a cup of coffee.

"Good Morning Elixir, you ready for the big day?"

My sister was already up and had jogged across half the village in what was a routine for her.

"Yes, feeling refreshed through sleep and I managed a couple of really hot dreams through the night too"

"Elixir, I don't want to know what you dream about......although I can imagine they were very similar to mine"

I sat at the breakfast bar with a cup of coffee, we had a good hour before needing to be in for registration.


"Yes Lavendar what is it?"

"I have a surprise for you.......when you have finished breakfast, take the door at the end of the kitchen and come into the garage"

The plan of the house was very different and the garage which housed a fine collection of tools and dust was located directly behind the kitchen as opposed to the usual location of alongside it.

I finished my coffee and then walked over to the door.

Lavendar was stood with a smile on her face and directed me to a bulbous shape which was hidden under a tarpaulin...

"What's this?"

"It's a surprise.......for you"

I walked across to the tarpaulin with a curious look, we each grabbed a side and threw it aside........the sight that met my eyes was one which almost drove me to tears.


I should explain that Lavendar had brought my baby.......belinda is my beloved car, a mini with lime green stripes which she had taken to Australia with her....

"Yes, Albert paid for it to be transported and seen as I rarely used it.....brought it here for you to use"

We embraced.

"So does the old dear work?"

"Of course she works"

I got behind the wheel.

"Keys please Lavendar"

She produced them....picked up our bags and then climbed inside

"I seem to recall you were quite dangerous in this car Elixir"

"You don't have to worry....I've not had a car for a long while so it will take me like 10 seconds to remember how to drive my baby"

I could see the scowl on her face and the worry in her eyes.

"Its fine Lavendar, I will get you to the University in one piece!"


We got out on the main roads and it was like I had never been away....feeling the wind through my hair and the power of the engine....It looks like I would owe my sister a few favours for her surprise.

We got to the University and I just stared at it in awe.....the sheer size was amazing and I knew that it would be my home from home for as long as I did my job to the best of my ability.

I parked the car, grabbed my bag and went along to the faculty office to announce my presence, grab a copy of the course semester and also a list of the students who I would be teaching....I was scheduled to take two lessons of Biology per two days, per week which was fine with me as it gave me a chance to work on my side career as a writer of lesbian erotic fiction. I had recently joined a site called Wattpad and found some amazing authors, read some brilliant books and collected ideas before I would start writing my first work.

I had lots of ideas and decided that my medium would be a theme that seemed to run through a lot of the stories.....that of a forbidden relationship between student and teacher.....from what I had seen there was none featuring a biology teacher although I did find some research from a book involving physics and so I used that as the basis for my introduction..

Lavendar directed me to the bursary and it was here that I got the list of students for my two classes......I had 16 students in total and I noticed that one of them was none other than Jessica Farrell.

"Did you know that I will be tutoring Jessica?"

Yes and it should be a joy because she is very intelligent. I think she will be of a great help for you during the semester

"What makes you say that Lavendar.....surely she hasn't bewitched you already?"

"No I did some research of my own and she helped her mother at the surgery working as a she wants to be a teacher too and so I thought you could use her skills to assist in the class"

"Thanks sis, that's very thoughtful of you"

It was true that I liked to have students get involved in the workings and her help, if she wanted to that is, would be welcomed.

"Anyone else from this list that you could recommend?"

I watched as she scanned the list and then her face darkened...

"What is it?"

"You have Maria Carter in your class"

I looked at the name.

"Is there something I should know about her?"

"Yes she is the girl who Jessica was meeting that night"

"But I thought you told me that this girl was married"

"She is, and that's where it gets unusual"

"Oh to enlighten me?"

"She is tutoring to gain the skills to help run a marine biologist centre in the town, her husband owns it"

"Yes I have seen it......but he is an old man"

"That's right, her husband is 52"

"And is/was she cheating on him?"

"Not that I know of, he is very violent and she has been trying to have a life away from him.......they separated for a while but she is back with him now"

"I see.....and during the separation she was dating Jessica......but she didn't know about the husband"


"And do the two of them get on now?"

"No......Jessica hates her....especially for the lies"

Lucky me.......I have the two of them in my class, this was indeed going to be a fun semester and I would need to speak with them because I didn't need disruptions in my class.

"OK Sis........any others I should know about?"

"Two sisters which you will get to know about as they are identical apart from their hair colour"

Sounds like a fun year and I would no doubt run into one or two situations in the classes.

I should point out that this is an all-girls university and it could be prone to potential scandals, however I found out that this year was the first to trial lesbian had previously been seen that such dalliances had resulted in the semester results not producing high enough interest, probably because of distractions...I wanted to make sure there was no such problems in my classes and I would allow students to hold hands but physical connections were not permitted......if they didn't like that then a transfer to another class was an option.

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