Colour of Magic

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After dinner we declined the chance to sample the magnificent pastries and instead left the fine café.

"So shall we take a walk down the beach?"

"That would be lovely"

We linked hands and started to walk......the tide was in which meant we couldn't get onto the beach itself but there was a pathway which looks directly on to the ocean.

After a short while the path veered off and then we saw a bench.

"Care to take a seat?"

We both sat down, still holding hands and then I turned to her

"It's lovely here, Terri......I feel so calm and relaxed"

"I know and I come here often to get away from the stress of work"

I turned to look at Terri, to be more precise her eyes.......I could get lost in them and then we both closed the distance and began to kiss.

The area was deserted and this allowed our make out session to become quite heated......we went from straight forward kissing to tongues and I was loving the connection we seemed to have made in such a small time.

"Elixir........shall we get out of here or I may end up doing something that could get me arrested for indecency"

I gulped at far did she want to talk this?

We got up and walked back to the car, once inside I belted up and off we went

"You ok to come back for a nightcap?"

"I would love to"

"Then I guess we better get going"

The journey back was spent with Terri driving and myself watching her...I let my eyes roam down the parts of her body which were not obscured by clothes and then I thought about what those clothed parts would look like a little bit later.

It didn't take long to reach her house and after parking she came across to my passenger side and opened the door.

"Here we are Elixir"

I climbed out of the car and then we linked arms and went into the house.


Terri took my coat and directed me to the sofa, she put on some soft music and lit a couple of candles.

"Would you like some wine?"

"Yes please, what do you have?"

"White, Red and Rose plus a peach spritzer and some elderflower presses"

I chose a fruity red wine and she brought the bottle and two glasses across to me......she poured the wine and then handed me a glass, I took it and had a was excellent........and then she sat next to me which caused my temperature to rise dramatically.

We decided to spend some time chatting about our lives...

"So Terri, how long have you been a Doctor?"

"I graduated from school at the age of 21 and I have been a doctor ever since......I started in gynaecology and then began working as a practice doctor"

"That's amazing.......I have not been so lucky"

"What do you do Elixir?"

"I'm a school teacher"

"Really.........which subject?"

"Financial Accounting"

I watched as Terri began to chuckle.

"What's wrong?"

"Your choice of's very apt"

"Is it, why??"

"Accounts........good with figures"

I also teach biology which helps knowing my way around the most intimate body parts

I looked at her and smiled back and suddenly we were laughing....I looked into her eyes, took her face in my hands and kissed her.

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