Chapter 6

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Ravil checked his phone as he left the psychiatrist's office, his mood lifting immediately once he saw that he had a message from Artem. 

He opened it once he sat down with his father in the car. He half expected his father to ask who he was texting, but not a word was exchanged. 

Ravil read the message. It said: 

"Hey, looked for you in your normal spots but you weren't there. You okay?" 

Ravil began to type back. "I'm fine. My dad made me see a psychiatrist. I'm not too keen on the idea myself, but I'm not sure I have a choice. Since I live in my mom's house and all. Well, I guess I should be calling it my dad's house now." 

"You're twenty-one years old. Why don't you move out?" Artem asked. 

"Don't have the money," Ravil answered. "No one will hire me for a job, and I'm not sure I could commit to one." 

"Hey, you could always come to Russia and live with me."

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now