Chapter 32

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It was the morning of Artem's departure. His flight was going to leave in about four hours. 

He stood in the kitchen, safety goggles over his blue eyes and his shirt collar pulled up over his nose to defend against the stench of the raw chicken (which he didn't dare to touch, so it had been sitting on the counter all night- Artem had slept in a D.I.Y. gasmask). 

On the kitchen island, there was a blender, along with his hard drive and two SIM cards. He'd already wiped a homemade electromagnet across the hard drive, but he really wanted to be sure that he'd sealed the deal. 

He took a deep breath, hoped he wasn't breathing in radioactive chicken fumes, and literally kissed his hard drive goodbye, then dropped it into the blender with the two SIM cards. He put the lid on the blender and turned it on, taking a step back and flinching at the sounds of screeching metal and plastic. 

Then the blender caught on fire. 

"Der'mo!" Artem barked, cursing in guttural Russian. He grabbed his suitcase, which was sitting by the door (he'd already packed it), and the bag of Soya bars that had been in the pantry for five years, then booked it to the airport. 

He desperately hoped that no one would be alarmed by the one-hundred sixty million rubles he was carrying. 

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now