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Its been a couple weeks since the whole Lucas thing and it seemed to have died down a bit throughout everyone. Luckily no one found out I beat him up which means nothing appeared on the media. I may have had a talking to with our managers but they seemed to understand I was just sticking up for a friend and they felt better when I said the media never found out.

Me and Lucy have been going good lately. We are now official and the media are eating it up. Of course us being together is giving us, as a band and her as a solo artist, a lot of media and making more people notice us but we aren't dating each other for that reason. You can tell we do really like each other. That this is more than just the fame. The fact that we are doing the same thing makes it easier on us, as we understand each others lives and how we might be too busy to meet or something. However we do always text and call each other. I just cant get enough of her. She's exactly what I kind of see myself with. Someone who's very girly and quiet. Of course when she's on stage she's kind of a different person, even when she talks she seems different on stage but off stage, she goes quiet and sensitive. I liked it on her. It suited her. She likes going out and loves romantic things. The more time I spend with her, the more I think I'm falling for her.

Me and Mia have of course been good as well. We've gone back to being  friends like before. We all go out together and have a great time. The only thing I feel like is missing is that Lucy and Mia haven't met yet. Kim and Andy have met her and obviously the boys have and they all love her. I want Mia to meet her because I want all my closest friends to meet the girl I'm falling for and I just hope they all like her. I want her to get on with all my friends and the only one left is Mia. I've asked her several times about it but all she says is 'yea, we'll make a date' but then nothing more happens. I don't know if its because of when she kissed me and she doesn't want to meet the girl I'm dating and who's making me happy. But I wouldn't think that was it because I thought we got over that. I'm hoping they'll meet soon.

That's where I'm off to now. To see Lucy. Last night she said how she had a photoshoot today, so I'm going to surprise her and meet her there. I want to ask her about meeting Mia and see what she says because Lucy doesn't really have a reason to not meet Mia.

I parked my car in car park and walked towards the entrance, telling the women at the front desk why I'm here and she told me exactly where, Lucy's dressing room is so I could surprise her.

I walked down the new looking, white walled, hall. Looking at all the doors, waiting to see the name of 'Lucy Parker'. Soon enough, when I got to the middle of the hall, there was a white door with Lucy Parker's name in bold black writing. I smiled to myself thinking how Lucy will love this surprise, as I think its quite romantic to show up unexpected and surprise your girlfriend. Especially with Lucy loving romantic gestures, this was the best idea.

I opened the door smiling wide, waiting for the expression that will be on her face. However when I stepped in the room, what I saw wasn't what I was expecting at all.


Its been a two weeks since the whole thing with Lucas and he hasn't spoke to me since or tried to contact me which I'm glad with. Another thing that's happened it that everything has gone back to normal. Lucy and Harry have been dating for a couple months now, officially, and the media are going crazy about it. Mia and Harry are friends like before and we all go out like before. Even though last week Harry said about Mia, me, meeting Lucy. And his still thinking of arranging it. I don't know how this is going to work, it wont. I just don't know if I will have enough excuses to say no to not meeting each other.

"Mia get your wig on now, the photographer is nearly ready for you" Mum whispered so no one could hear her.

We were sat in my dressing room, me doing touch ups on my make up and mum replying to emails. I took my wig off as it had been annoying me today but mum has been panicking ever since.

"Calm down. I asked people to knock before coming in, it'll be fine" I assured my mum as she sighed and walked out, muttering about hurry up and getting ready.

I looked back at my appearance and started to wonder why I didn't think to just to do while being me. Looking at myself all ready for this shoot with my natural hair and no wig, made me wish I did this as me not Lucy. However I need to stop thinking like that. I'm living the life everyone wants. I should be happy with my life, not moping about it.

Suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts by the door of my dressing room opening,

"Mu-" I stopped half way of saying mum when I saw the person standing at the door wasn't my mum. In fact it was Harry.







whats going to happen now?!!??!?!?!?




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