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"Amelia, we need to go, the boys are waiting!" I called down her apartment hallway as I stood at the front door.

"I'm coming!" She called back and not a minute later she made an appearance.

She's wearing a white skater dress with white heels, red lips being the only bold colour she is wearing.

"You look beautiful" I said as she stood in front of me, giving her a peck before I opened the door for her.

"Thank you" She said as we walked towards the car that they boys were in, outside of her apartment.

"Yea she's going, are we going to tell him?" I heard Niall say as Amelia and I got in the car.

"Tell who what?" I asked as the car started to move, noticing all the boys stopped talking as soon as I stepped in.

"Errr.." Louis muttered and they all looked worried.

"Just spit it out"

"Mia's going to this party tonight" Niall rushed out that I almost didn't hear him, almost.

"Oh...right" Was all I said as we sat in silence for the rest of the ride.

I knew I would maybe bump into her soon. I mean its been three years and we haven't contacted one another, it had to happen soon. It's not like we live in different countries. Yes our jobs are busy and keeps us away sometimes but both being celebrities we were bound to bump into one another soon enough. Are jobs would've collided soon. I just didn't think it would be this soon. I mean yea three years is a long time but I don't know if I'm ok with seeing Mia Williams again. I was finally getting on with life and moving on. Seeing her on TV with all her interviews were enough for me because I didn't have to see her in real life and I could turn it off if it got to much for me. I watched all her interviews, wanting to know what she was telling people about her whole secret, thinking maybe I could start to understand. I did. I do. I understand why she did it. I just don't understand why she couldn't have told me. I'm good at keeping secrets, I would've kept that for her. I just don't understand why she couldn't trust me? I loved her and she apparently loved me but she didn't trust me. I don't understand that much. I don't know if I'm ready to see her, face to face, yet but I'm going to deal with it and act like its nothing to me because I know the boys are worried about it. They saw how I was when I left her and they don't want to see me like that again, hell I don't even want to see me like that again, I was a mess. Before I met Amelia I was a mess. I met her backstage at a concert and she caught my eye. I mean she was shy but beautiful, completely different to Mia, who was so confident within herself. I don't know why but I felt like I needed a change, I needed something else and that so happened to be Amelia. We've been together for a year now. I told her everything that happened with me and Mia and she understood why it would take me a while to be completely in with this relationship, she knew Mia still held a place in my heart, as much as I tell myself she doesn't. Amelia understands and trusts me. That's all I've ever wanted.

"Haz, we're here" Amelia said as she squeezed my hand to check if I was ok.

I nodded as we walked out off the car with the boys walking a little in front of us. Paparazzi were going crazy taking pictures of us, as they did with every other celebrity that walked the red carpet outside of the party. Me and the boys took a couple of pictures together, as Amelia says she doesn't like to be part of that, she walks off and waits at the end for us. It was a couple minutes later when one of the paparazzi at the front, stopped taking pictures and looked towards the car that had just turned up on the curb, making all the others look too. The boys and I were curious to who the paparazzi were looking at. The car door opened from someone inside and all you could hear was laughter. From where we were standing we could see the people clearly.

The first two people to come out were Andy and Kim, which only meant that the third the step out would be Mia Williams, the girl was broke my heart. Her laughter filled the air, the beautiful laughter that could make anyone happy. She had that act of making people happy just by smiling or laughing near them and I found it fascinating. The paparazzi started going crazy again but this time towards Mia, Kim and Andy. They started shouting her name but she didn't seem to care. She was smiling and laughing with Kim and Andy and I felt something in my chest that I haven't felt for a long time. I also didn't know if I wanted to be feeling this. Mia looked god damn gorgeous as always. Every time I've seen a  picture of her I couldn't help but see how beautiful she looked. She didn't even have to try, it was so natural for her. She was wearing a black dress that was short at the front and trailed off at the back. She looked like a goddess and she wasn't even trying. She wore heels making her short figure a few inches taller.

"Haz lets go. Maybe try not to droll or smile so much at Mia, Amelia might notice" Louis whispered to me, and it wasn't until I took my eyes off Mia that I realised I was smiling widely, at her.

I walked with the boys to the end of the carpet and held Amelia's hand as I reached her. I don't know why I did. Maybe to show everyone I had moved on. Maybe hoping that Mia had seen it. However I couldn't help but think how I didn't feel anything when I held Amelia's hand. We walked into the venue altogether, smiling and saying hi to everyone we recognised and I tried so hard to get the picture of Mia from a minute ago out of my head but so far it had been impossible. Maybe I haven't moved on.








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