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As we all continued to stare, the waitress started walking towards us with them trailing behind her.

"Hey, why isn't it Kim and Andy, Mia's sidekicks." Lucas smirked as he stopped by our table, making Mia run into him.

"What are you doing here Lucas?" Andy asked with gritted teeth and fists tightened.

"Oh did Mia not inform you? I'm here on a date with her" He smirked even wider when he saw all of us sit there with shocked expressions.

"What?!" Kim answered for everyone. "Mia?" Kim looked at Mia who was know standing next to Lucas instead of behind him.

"What?" She asked cluelessly.

"Don't what me! What is this?" She said pointing between them.

"Its what Lucas said, we're on a date" She said with a small smile, looking up at Lucas then back at us.

I didn't know what I was feeling but I knew that if anyone looked under the table they would see my fists so tight to my knuckles have gone white. Why was I so angry with this? Why was I feeling like this?

"I'll go seat on the table, while you guys talk" Lucas said as he squeezed past and sat at the table the waitress had shown them, looking at the menu.

"Now his not here, seriously why are you here with him?" Kim asked and Mia just shrugged.

"I asked him out-"

"Wait YOU asked HIM out?" Andy asked obviously getting angrier than before.

"Yes I did" Mia said folding her arms in front of her chest.

"After everything he did for you! After what he put you through! You fucking asked him out?!" Andy said getting more worked up and not even Kim could calm him down now.

"Everyone changes Andy! Everyone deserves second chances!" Mia said through frustration and Andy stood up towards her.

"Yea everyone does but not him! Not Lucas Homes! He deserves to rot in hell for what he did to you?! I didn't beat him up for nothing Mia!"

This conversation seemed to have all of our attention. What did this Lucas kick do to make Andy this angry? What did he do to make Andy beat him up?

"Andy stop it! Just let me do this!" Mia said pushing Andy away from her.

"No Mia!" Andy was nearly shouting now as he grabbed Mia's arm. "Your not going over there and making the same mistake again I don't want to see that happen again!"

"That's not for you to decide! Who do you even think you are telling me what to do with my life! You're not my dad!" Mia screamed at him.

"No I'm not your dad Mia because his gone!" Just as the words came out of Andy's mouth, tears came to Mia's eyes and Andy's face dropped. You could tell he regretted them words straight away. "Mia..." He trailed off as he tried to get her attention but she pushed him away.

"No. Leave me alone!" She choked out and called for Lucas who came straight away with a worried look on his face.

Why do I feel like that should be me? That should be me looking at her worried and checking she's ok but I'm here sitting quietly and the whole scene unfolds in front of me.

"Lets go" Lucas says as he drags Mia out of the diner and into his car.

No one spoke as Andy sat down.

"Your food" The waitress came and put all of our food down in front of us but no one touched it. No one spoke. Not until Andy decided to say something.

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