Shape Shifters

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I looked at Eve. Shock apparent on my face. I had to kill a vampiric shape shifter. I am just a kid. A trees leaves rattled in the distance. Eves eyes widened in fear. She darted off in between the brush.

"You." Enough venom was in that one little word to kill an elephant.

I turned, startled in my heel. It was Maria.

"What do you want Maria. You already embarassed me in front of the entire pack." Ice cold and razor sharp my voice was deadlier than any claw.

Maria looked almost suprised at my bluntness. I blinked, long and slow. When my eye lids reopened my eyes glowed an eerie yellow. Yellow as a wolfs eye. A low snarl erupted from Marias throat. I felt my claws extend.

"No. You know what I am here for you biitch." Maria spat at me. Her eyebrows grew bushy. Her hair grew longer and her face became lupine.
I raised an eyebrow. She couldn't change a the way. Her canines got needle thin. Not like the rest of ours that became thick and sharp.

"At least I am not a Dirt Born." I said, struggling to keep my voice contolled.

Maria was about to pounce. My insult had stung deeply. Dirt Born. Slang for someone who isn't a pure blooded. To be pure blooded you have to be changed within a week of being bitten or your parents must be lycanthropes. If it lasted any longer than a week, your genetics were screwed up entirely. You were also a Dirt Born if you were forced into it. By becoming a hybrid.

"You! I am going to enjoy slitting your throat. Your sweet suculent blood will water the ground!" Maria screeches.

She lunged at me. Her nails sharp as blades. I heard a tear. I looked down. Blood was seeping out of three long scratches. I scoffed in anger. I flipped back. My speed stunning myself as well as Maria. I landed in wolf form. My muscles throbbed. My skin was heavy with the weight of my russet red coat. I charged her. I caught the waistband of her jeans. My claw yanked the denim of her pants out. She was filled with rage. Her eyes gleamed with malice. She hissed at me. Her thin teeth went for my neck. I jumped back in just enough time to save my life. I was still to late. Her teeth pierces the soft skin of my under belly. I kicked back and sent the Dirt Born sprawling. She skidded in the muddy ground. I howled. I was about to spring at her again but someone ran out of the clearing. It was Jake. I felt my heart beat out of my chest. I thundered off as fast as I could. I hoped Jake hadn't realized it was me. It was against ancient laws to fight another pack member unless in a duel to the death. I heard Jake speak softly to Maria. It was only a matter of time before she told him it was me. I ran faster.
I stopped at a large boulder. Her bite was near crippling. I turned back to mh human state and looked down. My shirt was blood soaked. I lifted it up. A gasp escaped my lips. The bite from the vampire early was identical to the one inflicted by Maria. Before I could comprhend this, everything faded to black.

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