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Danny pov

that night he was all I could think about his cute caring eyes and his smile made my heart melt I had never felt like this about someone. I sat there wrapping a towel around my wrist I had cut again and I couldn't stop shaking I feel into a deep sleep quickly

Later I woke with a surge of rain rush through my stomach I ran to the toilet just making it in time to be sick. I felt light headed and slumped myself against the wall. if I was sick tomorrow I couldn't see Tony I stood up and walked back to my room. I decide to go have a ciggy on the balcony. I can see the skate park from here. and I saw something sitting on the bench I had sat on today. I checked my time 1:12am. why would anybody be sitting there at this time. I recognized the green and black hat, Tony had been wearing one today and but it couldn't of been him. it kept bugging me, I went inside and slipped shoes on and a hoodie over my pajamas. i couldn't believe what I was about to do but I set off for the skate park. I reached the corner and try to make out the person as I cross the field. he was slumped over now laying down. "Tony?" I asked quietly and he shot up and turned to look at me. I could see his face in the dull street lamp he had been crying "what are you doing here?" sounding angry "well I was on the balcony and I saw you sitting here so I came to see if you were okay" he looked down "I'm fine" he said quietly "how'd you know it was me?" I smiled "I didn't but it was worth a shot" I laughed "what's up?" I sat beside him "nothing" and he let out a sigh "you can tell me I'm a great listener" he looked away "its nothing I just had a argument with my mum and she told me to get out so I did and now I'm here"

"why didn't you go around to Mike and Vics or Jamies?" I asked him "they wouldn't understand they don't know what my mum is like I've never invited them around" I patted his back "well you can't sit and freeze here all night come on" I stand dragging him up with me by his hand "what are you doing?" he asked following me "your frozen so you can come to my house to de-frost silly billy" he stopped and I looked over to him "thank you" he smiled and i nodded. he smiled walked beside me in silence we walked up the steps and I noticed Emilys bedroom light on. we sneak in silently past Tammys room and I knock on Emilys door "Emily" I whisper I look over at Tony and he was giving me a what the Fuck are you doing face. Emily opened the door slightly "what" she whispered back "is it alright if my friend chills out here for a while?" she looks stunned "you have a friend here already yeah what's her name?" I laugh thinkin of how Mike thought I was a guy "His names Tony" her face suddenly lit up and I can tell what she's thinkin "no Emily, no. he just had a bad row with his ma" she laughs "you know you didn't have to ask me right?" I smile "yeah but you know its a habit I still ask if I can have a glass of water when I'm at your house" she laughed "well I'm going to bed, night guys" I smiled "night em" I turned to Tony "come on" I held out my had and he took it, following me to my room "oh my its so warm in here" I laughed and sat on the middle of my bed takin off my shoes but leaving the hoodie cause I didn't have my bracelets on "you can sit down if you want" he smiled awkwardly "thanks"he sat next to me "do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked quietly "sure what one?" he smiled "go have a look over there and stick one on" he went over and stuck one in the x box and pushed play on the remote and starwars came on "you like starwars?" I asked him and he smiled his eyes lighting up "I love it" he looked at me "aren't you hot?" he asked "no" I lied "are you sure you look like your about to pass out" he was watching me "well yeah its a little hot" I got up. "do you want the light on?" I asked "I don't mind" I switched the lights off takin my hoodie off and slipping my bracelets on. I get into my bed "if your cold you can get in the bed Tony" he smiled "thanks, wow you have a heap of bracelets can I have a look" without letting me answer he grabbed my hand I wanted to pull away but I didn't want him to suspect anything "yeah okay" he looks at my wrist looking at each individual bracelet.

Tonys pov

I look at her bracelets trying to see if I really did see cuts on her skin. I move the first and gasp there wasn't just one or two there were so many cuts. not shallow either big deep angry cuts. Danny pulled her arm away quickly "I'm sorry" I apologized she was looking away now "its nothing" her voice shaky and un even "are you sure?" I grabbed her hand holding it "you can tell me I will not judge you" she looked at me her blue eyes watering "I can't but can you understand that no one knows but you but thank you Tony" she kissed my cheek, her lips soft like butter I felt myself blush as she pulled away looking into my eyes. everything inside me screamed to kiss her back but I couldn't make myself yet not while she was like this. she yawned and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen. "I can go if you want?" her grip tightened on my hand "no! I mean please stay you can sleep with me" she blushed "if you wawt to that is?" she interwove her fingers in to mine "okay" I took my shoes and hoodie off I saw her looking at me, stunned "I love your tattoos they are amazing" she blushed and smiled this time showing she had dimples I felt my heart melting "thank you" I slipped into bed and cuddled up to her watching starwars she turned and faced me looking up at me "thank you for staying with me Tony" I smiled down at her "hey, its the least I could do and besides you have starwars" she giggled as I kissed the tip of her nose. she rested her head on my chest and I felt her relax I lay on my back pulling her half laying on me and wrapped my arms over her. one hand lightly tracing over the cuts on her wrist. I felt like my world had fallen into place laying here with her it all felt so right. I lay there for a good hour thinkin about all the possibilities and she twitched and made a whimpering sound in her sleep. I kissed her forehead and whispered into her hear "its alright its only a dream Danny ill protect you" she relaxed and I slowly drifted off into a light sleep still having my arms wrapped protectivly around her.

I woke up to the sun on my face I looked down at her beautiful face and saw she was still sleeping I lay there watching her thinkin of her and I and wondering if there would ever be an us. she groaned and stirred her eyes fluttering open her eyes looking straight into mine "mornin" I smiled and pulled her closer into me "you stayed" she pulled back and smiled at me "of course I did I told you I would" she cuddled back into me "did you have a good sleep?" I smiled "perfect" she said resting her head on my chest "did you?"

"best sleep ever" there was a knock on the door "you better have clothes on I'm comin in" it sounded like Dannys friend I saw last night, Emily. she walked in carrying too orange juices "here yous go" she handed them to us "thanks" we both go. Emily jumps onto the end of the bed. "what's the plan of attack today dandan" I saw Danny blush at Emilys nickname for her " well me and the boys are gonna show Danny around and stuff, you can come if you wanna" she smiled "yay! perfect day for a tan" Danny laughed "yeah" Emily got up "well ill let you too get dressed and ill make breakfast, pancakes for Danny, pancakes or bacon Tony?" I smiled "pancakes please. I don't eat meat" Emily sighed "really another one" and walked out shutting the door Danny looked up at me "and that would be my best friend" she giggled "I don't wanna get up I'm quite happy laying here" I held her hand "me too" she looked up at me "I'm sorry about getting all down last night Tony I've just got a lot on my plate"

"hey no don't worry about it I'm just happy to have been here with you" she looked up into my eyes and this time I didn't resist I leant in a softly placed my lips on hers my eyes slipping closed, I could feel her smile and she gently nibbled my lip I ran my hand through her hair holding the kiss putting more passion into it her hands ran up my back and made me tingle I pulled her onto my lap "we really should get dressed" she giggled blushing bright red I smiled and kissed her cheek "we should cold pancakes aren't that great" I smiled and got out of bed pulling her out with me noticing how adorable she looked in oversized turtle pajamas "I love turtles" she blushed "hey I love them" I smiled back "well then you can be my turtle" she pinched my cheek and we walked to the kitchen with Emily just putting the pancakes on my plate "thanks Emmy" she smiled at us "yeah well we won't talk about last time you made pancakes dandan I was cleaning for hours" Danny laughed "that was the plan" she started picking at her pancakes not really eating them "Dan please eat them" Emilys voice pleading "I will I will" demonstrating by placing a bit in her mouth and eating it. I felt my phone ring "I gotta take this its my ma"

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