Part 27

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Dannys pov

i woke up in my bed alone, and it was dark. i got up and fumbled around for the light switch. i turned on the light to see tonys stuff gone. i ran down the stairs to see the living room empty, picking up my phone i looked for his number to see it was missing our texts had been deleted. i ran out to the shed to see his skateboard and bmx missing -where is he- i wondered my whole body started to shake. i ran outside to see nothing but an empty street. i ran back inside and up thestairs to emilys room banging on the door "emily wake up!" i yelled and she opened the door i must have been crying cause she had a worried look on her face "whats wrong?" she asked pulling me into her room jaime still asleep on her bed "tonys gone" i stuttered she looked at me funny "what do you mean?" she asked looking confused "his stuffs gone like all of it, his numbers been deleted and his texts are gone off my phone" i said looking down at the floor "hime wake up" emily said shaking his leg "what?" he asked half asleep "tonys missing and his stuffs gone" emily said to him he picked up his phone, he must of been ringing him cause he put the phone up to his ear "its off" he said putting his phone beside him my heart sunk. why would he just leave like this? what did i do to him?  i walked out and went and sat in the living room on the couch noticing there was a small red box sitting on the table i opened it and inside was a small heart locket i opened it revealing a small photo that me and tony had taken a while ago, my eyes welled up with tears as i put it around my neck inside the box was a small piece of paper i opened it and started reading the small letter 

~Danny, happy two month annerversary my darlin' i hope you can read this letter sorry for my messy hand writing but i just wanna say that i love you so much and i dont know what i would do without you, you mean so much to me okay baby just remember if you need me im always here for you always~

i burst into tears reading the last part i walked up into my room and ripped ll the posters off the wall sittin on the ground surounded by ripped pieces of paper i walked into the bathroom and spotted one of tonys hoodies on the ground i sat down and hugged it  smelling him on it witch made my start to cry again, i could feel my whole world ending and i didnt know what to do. i put tonys hoodie on and went and laid down on my bed falling into a restless sleep.

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