Disasterology (Tony Perry fanfic) *EDITING*

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hey uhh well this is my first fanfic and its not really good but yeah :) I like it, I guess

Dannys pov

I sat at my kitchen table finishing my coffee and smoke

-knock knock-

I walk over to the door knowing who to expect. Emily, my dearest and closest friend.

"well hello bride o dracula" she greets me cheerfully "oh shut up you know damm well I ain't a morning person" I laughed and motioned her to come inside "are you ready for our trip?" I sighed "as ready as ill ever be" she smiled. she was dragging me to San Diego to see her aunt for the Christmas holidays and get me use to it seeming as I would be moving there before school goes back for my last year. Starting fresh sounded good to me. I was 18 and allowed to make my own decisions and I liked the sound me moving to San Diego with Emily miles away from all the pain full memories I held here in New Zealand. It was a big move but I needed space I needed to sort my life and 'get better'

"you there? hello, earth to Danny" Emily snapped her fingers in front of my face "yeah sorry I zoned out" she read the expression on my face "how are you coping?" I looked at her "honestly, I can't wait I'm sick of it here I'm sick of the judgment and sick of feeling alone" Emilys mouth dropped "Aww dandan you will get through this, you have me here beside you you're never alone" she patted my back "yeah I know thank you" she smiled "better get changed our flight leaves soon" I looked at the time and she was right "shit we better go" I quickly got changed and gathered the rest of my belongings and put them in Emilys car and got in. I looked back on my house as we pulled out of the drive way. not thinking twice. my mum and husband had gone on holiday and got somebody to look after the dogs.

we made the airport just in time for our flight. the flight was long and boring so I used the time to try out some new lyrics and time for a little nap

Emilys pov

I sat there unable to hold my excitement as the plane began to land I looked over to Danny who had slept most of the trip witch I would of expected her being a naturally lazy person and all. I giggled to myself "Danny wake up" her eyes fluttered open "Aww what are we here already" she laughed "yes now hurry

Tammy will be waiting for us" she gets up quickly exiting the plane "oh god I'm gonna chuck" she runs past me making her way to the bathroom. I followed in the direction she ran and walked into the bathroom "you okay bro?" I heard her cough and spit "fucking plane" she laughed from behind the toilet door "okay ill go try find Tammy" I laughed and walked out

Dannys pov

I walk out of the bathroom and see Emily with out bags talking to a lady I guessed was Tammy I slowly walked up to them my stomach still churning "hi you must be Danielle" the lady said in a gentle tone "Danny" I corrected her with a smile "nice to meet you im Tammy" she pulled me into a tight embrace "well girls we should hit the road" we followed her to her car and packed our luggage in the boot and got in "do you girls want anything from the store?" she asked kindly "no thanks Tammy" me and Emily said at the same time I looked out the window looking at all the big buildings I took my ipod from my jacket pocket and plugged my headphones in my ears starting my music. I stare down at my wrist and shift some of my bracelets revealing slashes upon slashes on my wrist some old some new. I trace over them with my fingers thinking, 'if Emily knew I still cut she would kill me' I had started about 7 years ago when my father had died I took it the hardest. I spiraled quickly into depression cutting everyday while i would cry myself to sleep. I had just started high school and I was alone my friends became enemies and I became my own nightmare. I drank every night and would go to class stoned, that lasted a while and then 5 days before my 15th birthday I was fed up with my life. I took over 500 pills and waited to die I wrote my mother a letter and lay on the ground with a picture of my daddy on my chest and the words 'I'm sorry I let it get me' cut in my arms. I was in hospital for a week and after that I stopped for a while and met Emily we became inseparable. I promised I would never cut again but I broke that promise 6 months ago and she still didn't know

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