part 21

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Mikes pov

I could hear my phone ringing felt around for my phone on my dresser "hey" I said half asleep "Mike we need you Bro, Dannys missing" my stomach flipped "WHAT" I yelled into my phone not thinkin about my parents getting angry "she went to the shop and hasn't come back" I jumped out of bed "I'm coming over" I hung up and threw some clothes on and ran into vics room "we gotta go get up please vic we gotta find Danny" I felt like I was going to cry how could this happen, to her. "what wait huh?" he sat up and I shook him. explaining everything.

we were soon on our way to Dannys house when we got there all of the lights were on and Emily was waiting outside for us I got out of the car and ran up to Emily whose face was as hard as stone but I could see the fear in her eyes "when did she leave?" I asked her vic comin up behind me "about 2 hours ago maybe I'm not sure, tony and jaime have gone out again looking for her" Emilys lip trembled "Fuck" I whispered and she nodded "lets go on foot it would be slower but we can look properly around" vic suggested and we both nodded locking the house and we started walking down the street

Danny pov

oh my head I thought to myself as I tried to let my eyes adjust to the dark I couldn't see a single thing I could feel a reading pain in my back and stomach. where was I? what happened. I tried to think back I was walking to the shop angry cause of a tiny argument me and tony had then I couldn't remember anything. my thoughts were cut short by a door opening "wake up Bitch" I heard a familiar voice say "oi you" I felt a hard slam into my ribs "uhh" I groaned "that's better darling you answer me and there won't be no problems, now your going to do a little something for me and then ill do something for you" I felt warm breath on my face "Fuck off" I spat and tried to slap him away realising my hands were tied behind my back as well as my legs "Mmm how's about we get your darling creep of a boyfriend to listen to you beg for mercy" I felt his hand put something over my mouth and he picked up a phone and when he dialed I could see his face in the light, Kyle. how could I not realise "Danny! where are you?" tony screamed Kyle had my phone "she's a little busy right now boy but I just want you to know that she's fine with me" I saw him smile "let her go! don't hurt her" tony yelled into the phone I tried to scream but the tape over my mouth made it hard "Danny was that you Danny?" Tonys voice filled with worry "goodbye kid, I'm doing you a favour with this you will thank me one day" and I heard the beep of him hang up the phone. he ripped the tape off my mouth "now where were we" he laughed "Kyle please, let me go ill do anything. please just let me go" I begged "oh now now now I have to get something out of this" and he slipped some cloth over my mouth and that was the last thing I remember

I came to feeling cold air brush over me, my hands and legs had been untied I tried to sit up feeling pain ache everywhere in my body I searched around for my phone and found it in my pocket I had over 30 missed calls and a million texts I dialed Tonys number and it went to the answer machine I tried Emily, Mikes, vics and jaimes but they were all off. maybe they decided not to care or

maybe I was dead I looked down at my ripped clothes "help" I croaked and tried to stand up stumbling into the wall I could see the street from the ally 'where am I' I thought to myself I stumbled out to the dead street and I could see the park I could feel my legs trembling beneath me I felt my phone buzzing and I tried to get it out but I dropped it, I picked it up and tony had tried to ring me again I dialed his number and he picked up after the first ring "Danny, where are you? are you okay" he was crying I could tell "I'm okay." I croaked "where are you" I looked around "I'm not sure I can see the gas station down the road"

"your just down the road, stay there baby I'm coming for you" I heard him tell jaime to drive and the line went dead. I slumped down on the ground resting my head against the wall, I could see lights comin down the road, the car stopped and tony jumped out running up to me "oh Danny I'm so glad I found you I was so sacred" he pulled me up into his arms it hurt but I was glad I wasn't alone "tony" I whispered and he hugged me closer "lets get you in the car baby" he picked me up and he carried me to the car and put me in the back seat on top of him Mike and vic Emily and jaime were in the front. my stomach was burning and I felt like I was gonna pass out "I don't feel so good" I rest my head on tony.

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