part 11

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Danny pov
"tony, wake up babe" I shook him slightly. his eyes fluttered open "what's up hunny?" he said flashing a grin "can you pretty please driver me to jaimes? Emily said there was an emergency and that I needed to bring my kit" he got out of bed getting changed "of course I will silly" we got changed and tony drove us to jaimes.

Tony pov
when we got to jaimes Emily was standing in the door waiting. I kinda thought I knew what this was about. Danny followed Emily inside with me close behind. we walked in to see hime sitting on a chair with a towel wrapped around his neck with his beenie on "what's the emergency Emily?" Danny asked sounding worried and annoyed "jaimes hair is Danny you should see it its worse than yours use to be" Emily said takin off jaimes beenie to reveal his fluffy afro. Danny bust into fits of laughter "yep  he needs a colour and hair cut" jaimes face dropped "A HAIR WHAT!?" He screamed looking as if he was about to cry "hime your hairs a mess trust me I can fix this I'm trained I have my qualifications certificate in here if you wanna see?" Danny told him he seemed to relax a little as danny pened up her big bag kit thingy pulling out capes bowls tubes etc "you ready for this bro?" i asked Jaime as i walked over to him "does it look like it tony?" he half laughed "you will look a thousand bucks after this hime" danny said patting his back putting on the cape i saw him get worried all over again "you better hope i do i better look like hot stuff so the girls cant resist me" he shot a wink at Emily and she blushe, i walked outside and dialled vics number "hey tone, whats up?"  "you better come over quick bring mike"  "why" vic sounded worried "himes getting a hair cut and well im excpeting a few tears" vic burst out laughingn "how did you manage to get him into a hair salon?" i laughed "apparently dannys a qualified hairdresser" "wow awesome she can do your hair tony" vic laughed "we will be there in a few" i walked back inside "what was that all about baby?" danny asked while sectioning himes hair "nothing baby" i smiled at her "hey uhh danny can you please concentrate on my hair? i dont wanna bald spot" he was fidgetting around in his seat "well if you would just sit still wriggle ass" danny placed her hands on his shoulders "dont be scared hime it will be okay"

after about an hour of moaning and cursing danny had finished cutting jaimes hair and it looked really good it suited him beter than that afro "can i look yet?" he asked danny and emily who was standing at the table mixing something up in a black bowl "not yet jaime theres one last thing to do" emily said evily from the table, i heard a car pull up outside and i went to greet vic and mike 

"hows jaime coping?" vic asked "hes hanging in there he said a few choice words cause he thought he had a bald spot" mike laughed "him and his hair man" we walked in to the lounge to see emily painting some blue gooey stuff onto a part of himes fringe "aww man you look good" vic compimented him "well i havent seen it yet so i wouldnt know.

after jaime had seen his finished hair all straight and spiked up he got over his tantrum and thanked danny and hugged emily "i love it its so good oh look at it" danny patted his back "im not bad am i now?" jaime smiled at her "not at all your bloody great ill be calling you every month" danny packed up all her gear "are you ready baby?" i asked her "yep. Em are you coming home tonight i miss you and its friday" danny smiled over at emily "of course i cant miss our annual friday night" me and the other boys all looked at them "whats on a fridy?" we all asked together the girls looked at each other "taco night" they said together my face lit up "so me and vic will be over at 7" emily laughed "its all good with me, what about you danny?" danny looked at her "the more the fucking merryer" she yelled and we all cheered "ill come home at 5 with jaime hes staying tonight and hes gonna help me sort all my school stuff" dannys face went to shock "we have school on fucking monday!" jaime smiled "its okay you guys will have us ther with you. me and emily are going to clairmont today to get your guys school stuff and we will bring it home to you" 

"thanks guys, well should we go tone?" she looked at me "yes we should smudge is at home still"

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