part 20

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Emily pov

me and jaime were sitting up by the beach laying on the grass "the stars look so pretty" I said looking into his deep brown eyes "they're perfect, like you" I felt myself blush "I should get you home soon we have school tomorrow" he looked at me "please stay?" I whispered and he smiled "of course I will" he stood up and held his hand out to pull me up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down next to me laughing.

"I'm hungry" I said to jaime standing up with him "yea me too, we should go to maccas" jaime smiled opening up the car door for me "thank you" I climbed into the passenger seat and watched him walk around and get in "food sounds so good ill ring Danny and see if she wants anything or tony" I smiled to jaime "okay" I picked up my phone dialing Dannys  number I instantly felt my stomach churn it rang a few times "hello?" tony answered puffed "its Emily, uh did I ring at a wrong time?" he was silent "no, good timing. have you seen Danny? she got upset and walked to the shop by her self and I've looked everywhere for her I can't find her" his voice was shaky "I'm coming home now tony wait out front" with that I hung up and told jaime to drive.

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