Meeting Basil of Baker's Street: Part 2

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The pistol fires, and pillow feathers fly as they cautiously peek out. Mrs. Judson rushes back out at the stentorian report.

Mrs. Judson: (Panicking) What in heaven's name?

Soon, she discovers her pillows are nothing but feathers.

Mrs. Judson: (Distraught) Oh! Oh! My...

She spits out several feathers.


She glares angrily in Basil's direction. He is kneeling in the chair, tossing the feathers aside.

Mrs. Judson: MR. BASIL!

He pops his head above the chair as she spits out more feathers.

Mrs. Judson: How many times have I told you not to...

Basil interrupts Mrs. Judson

Basil: There, there, Mrs. Judson, it's quite all right.

Basil smells cheese crumpets from the kitchen.

Basil: Ah...(Sniffs) Mmm! I believe I smell some of those delightful cheese crumpets of yours.

He gently pushes Mrs. Judson back to the kitchen.


Basil: Why don't you fetch our guests some?

Mrs. Judson: But, ah, but, but...

Basil shuts the door, silencing her.

Basil: Now... (He gets on his hands and knees and searches on the floor) I know that bullet's here somewhere.

Maria had found it and was holding it up for him. He gently takes it.

Basil: (Still staring at her) Thank you, Miss...

Maria: Todd. Maria Todd.

Basil: (Smiled softly) Thank you, Ms.Todd.

Maria: (Returning the smile) Please, call me Maria.

They stare at each other, until Dawson cleared his throat thous breaking the trance.

Olivia: Mr.Basil, you don't understand--

Basil: Shhh!

Basil opens a small box and pulls out another bullet. Taking the one he just fired, he puts them under a microscope and compares their markings.

The first reading matches...

Basil: Yeah... does the second one.

Basil: Yes!

However, from the third direction, the markings go off in separate directions.

Basil: (Yells) NOOOOOOOOOO! Drat! (Depressed) Another dead end.

Dejected, Basil tosses the extra bullet aside and slowly walks over to his chair.

Basil: He was within my grasp.

He flops into his chair and slowly reaches for the violin sitting beside him. As Basil plays a mournful tune, Maria nudges Olivia encouragingly, and she walks towards him, determined to make him listen now that Basil was unoccupied with his detective work.

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